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Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Preventive Maintenance Scheduling (PMS)


Number :  Auto generated by Goodbooks based on setting

Name :  Set the name of property to plan preventive scheduling.  Say for example Power Generator, Machinery, buildings etc.,

Description :  Can give addition details about the property.

Nature :  Nature of property like Fixed Asset property, Machinery

Type :   The preventive maintenance of the property handled by a person per activity or may be by a team.  Here if the PM ( preventive maintenance) is by a person then set “Task”. The PM is by a team then set “Work”. Further , the work may  have more than one task.

Say for example a machine may need electrical, electronic , mechanical maintenance for the period of time regularly. In this case there are  three different skill people  are needed to handle the PMS. In this situation set Type option as “Work” and electrical, electronic and mechanical are the Task under the Work.

Parent : If  any parent task related to this task then set here. The parent task will be closed once all the child task(s) is closed.

Requester :  If any one request this PMS then set the name of the requester.

In-charge :  Set the person name who is responsible of the PMS.

Activity :   Set the type of activity. Say for example the property may have Monthly or weekly or daily basis maintenance

Assigned To :  Set the type of person or a company for this task.

Assignee :  Set the name of person who is going to attend this task.

Planning the PM Schedule

In this section the PM will be scheduled. The period and duration will be set in this section

Days and Hours : Set the number days and hours  required for the maintenance

Grace and Expiry Time :  There is an option to set extra time and maximum time for the Maintenance

Start and End date   : Set the planning date ( Duration )

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