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Fixed other-Multiple Employee

Fixed pay calculation also has a multiple employee screen. The main difference from the Single employee screen is that here there is a facility to add multiple employee entries. 

Path: Transaction > Fixed other > Multiple Employee 

On selecting the particular department from the filter option and the added up filters, select the whole department employees, where the fixed other we discussed for a single employee will be performed for multiple employees. 

  1. Type: The type is selected as a default.
  2. Revision No&Date: For a single entry, multiple revisions can be done depending on the requirement. So this field will reflect the latest revision number and enter a date when it is revised.
  3. Reference No&Date: Enter the reference number and date for the pay configuration.
  4. Pay Configuration: The pay configuration which is needed to be revised will be selected in this field.
  5. Effective From&To: Select the revision period from the Effective From and To field, which should be at the start and end of any month.
  6. Remarks: Enter any remarks about the pay revision.
  7. Filter: From this screen, the employee can be filtered, selecting the filter will show the following drop-downs to filter the necessary department.
    1. Click on the add row button to add multiple entries of employees. Type all the necessary details in the fields which is permissible from the Organisation conclusion.
    2. Select the field you want to edit and modify.
  8. Click the Save/Update button.


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