Fixed pay calculation also has a multiple employee screen. The main difference from the Single employee screen is that here there is a facility to add multiple employee entries.
Path: Transaction > Fixed other > Multiple Employee
On selecting the particular department from the filter option and the added up filters, select the whole department employees, where the fixed other we discussed for a single employee will be performed for multiple employees.
- Type: The type is selected as a default.
- Revision No&Date: For a single entry, multiple revisions can be done depending on the requirement. So this field will reflect the latest revision number and enter a date when it is revised.
- Reference No&Date: Enter the reference number and date for the pay configuration.
- Pay Configuration: The pay configuration which is needed to be revised will be selected in this field.
- Effective From&To: Select the revision period from the Effective From and To field, which should be at the start and end of any month.
- Remarks: Enter any remarks about the pay revision.
- Filter: From this screen, the employee can be filtered, selecting the filter will show the following drop-downs to filter the necessary department.
- Click on the add row button to add multiple entries of employees. Type all the necessary details in the fields which is permissible from the Organisation conclusion.
- Select the field you want to edit and modify.
- Click the Save/Update button.
Revisions: (Show)