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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from December 22, 2021 @ 08:30:37 [Autosave]. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Attendance Adjustment Entry

Attendance Adjustment Entry is the feature that enables the organization to correct the employee's attendance. HRMS: Transaction>Attendance>Attendance Adjustment Entry
  1. Type: The type is selected as adjustment entry as default.
  2. Reference Number/Date: Enter the number/date, if the reference number and its corresponding date are assigned to this adjustment entry.
  3. Entered By: Select this check box will enable the system to store in which way the attendance entries are entered.
  4. Adjustment No: The Adjustment number is a unique number created for each adjustment entry and it is created as default by the system.
  5. From/To: Enter the start/end date of the adjustment entry.
  6. From Rec No: For each adjustment entry, the record number will be created on a sequence. Enter the record number as per the sequence.
  7. No of Records: Enter the total number of records created in the adjustment entry.
  8. Remarks: Any comments or notes regarding the attendance adjustment can be entered here.
  9. Type: The type can be categorized into single and multiple employees. Once selecting the required button, respective tabs will be opened to enter the complete details.
    1. Single Employee: Select the single employee If adjustment is required for a particular employee.
    2. Multiple Employee: Select multiple employees when making adjustments for multiple employees.
  10. Reason: There are predefined reasons which are created already as per the organization's requirement. Select the appropriate reason from the picklist.
  11. Is same shift: Select the check box if the employees are working in the same shift (for multiple employees).
  12. Click the Load button and enter the required details.
    1. Employee Type: Select the employee type from the picklist.
    2. Pay Group: Select the Pay Group to which the employee belongs.
    3. Staff Type: Select the type of staff from the picklist.
    4. Unit: Select the unit where the employee working.
    5. Religion: Select the religion of the employee from the picklist.
    6. Branch: Select the branch name where the employee is working.
    7. Division: Select the division where the employee is working.
    8. Pay Configuration: Select the pay configuration in which the employee is working.
    9. Shift: Select the shift in which the employee is working.
    10. Department: Select the department in which the employee is working.
    11. Reporting To: Select the reporting person to whom the employee is reporting.
    12. Punch Type: The punch type consists of the following buttons which help to process the different sets of records depending on the punch.
      1. All Records: Selecting this button will process all the records which include both punch and non-punching entries.
      2. Punch Records Only: All the punched entries will be processed by selecting this button.
      3. Non-Punch Records Only: All the non-punched entries will be processed by selecting this button.
      4. Single Punch: All the single punched entries will be processed by this button.
    13. Day Type: Select the leave type from the picklist.
  13. Click the Apply button.
  14. CSV Import: The employee data are entered on the CSV file, then click the CSV button and enter the required details.
  15. Add Row: Click the Add row button and enter the details required in the table.
  16. Click the Save button.



Revision Differences

December 22, 2021 @ 08:30:37 [Autosave]Current Revision
Unchanged: <strong>Attendance Adjustment Entry</strong> is the feature that enables the organization to correct the employee's attendance.Unchanged: <strong>Attendance Adjustment Entry</strong> is the feature that enables the organization to correct the employee's attendance.
Unchanged: <strong>HRMS: Transaction&gt; Attendance&gt;Attendance Adjustment Entry</strong>Unchanged: <strong>HRMS: Transaction&gt; Attendance&gt;Attendance Adjustment Entry</strong>
Unchanged: <a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 01.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13594" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_01.png" alt="" width="1153" height="362" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 01.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13594" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_01.png" alt="" width="1153" height="362" /></a>
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Type: </strong> The type is selected as adjustment entry as default.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Type: </strong> The type is selected as adjustment entry as default.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Reference Number/Date:< /strong> Enter the number/date, if the reference number and its corresponding date are assigned to this adjustment entry.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Reference Number/Date:< /strong> Enter the number/date, if the reference number and its corresponding date are assigned to this adjustment entry.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Entered By:</strong> Select this check box will enable the system to store in which way the attendance entries are entered.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Entered By:</strong> Select this check box will enable the system to store in which way the attendance entries are entered.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Adjustment No:</strong> The Adjustment number is a unique number created for each adjustment entry and it is created as default by the system.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Adjustment No:</strong> The Adjustment number is a unique number created for each adjustment entry and it is created as default by the system.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>From/ To:</strong> Enter the start/end date of the adjustment entry.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>From/ To:</strong> Enter the start/end date of the adjustment entry.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>From Rec No:</strong> For each adjustment entry, the record number will be created on a sequence. Enter the record number as per the sequence.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>From Rec No:</strong> For each adjustment entry, the record number will be created on a sequence. Enter the record number as per the sequence.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>No of Records:</strong> Enter the total number of records created in the adjustment entry.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>No of Records:</strong> Enter the total number of records created in the adjustment entry.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Remarks: </strong> Any comments or notes regarding the attendance adjustment can be entered here.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Remarks: </strong> Any comments or notes regarding the attendance adjustment can be entered here.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Type: </strong> The type can be categorized into single and multiple employees. Once selecting the required button, respective tabs will be opened to enter the complete details.Unchanged: <li><strong>Type: </strong> The type can be categorized into single and multiple employees. Once selecting the required button, respective tabs will be opened to enter the complete details.
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Single Employee: </ strong>Select the single employee If adjustment is required for a particular employee.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Single Employee: </ strong>Select the single employee If adjustment is required for a particular employee.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Multiple Employee: </ strong>Select multiple employees when making adjustments for multiple employees.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Multiple Employee: </ strong>Select multiple employees when making adjustments for multiple employees.</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Reason: </strong> There are predefined reasons which are created already as per the organization's requirement. Select the appropriate reason from the picklist.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Reason: </strong> There are predefined reasons which are created already as per the organization's requirement. Select the appropriate reason from the picklist.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Is same shift:</strong> Select the check box if the employees are working in the same shift (for multiple employees).</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Is same shift:</strong> Select the check box if the employees are working in the same shift (for multiple employees).</li>
Unchanged: <li>Click the <strong>Load</strong> button and enter the required details.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 02.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13600" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_02.png" alt="" width="984" height="270" /></a>Unchanged: <li>Click the <strong>Load</strong> button and enter the required details.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 02.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13600" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_02.png" alt="" width="984" height="270" /></a>
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Employee Type:</strong> Select the employee type from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 03.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13601 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_03.png" alt="" width="386" height="168" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Employee Type:</strong> Select the employee type from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 03.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13601 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_03.png" alt="" width="386" height="168" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Pay Group:</strong> Select the Pay Group to which the employee belongs.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 04.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13602 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_04.png" alt="" width="424" height="184" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Pay Group:</strong> Select the Pay Group to which the employee belongs.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 04.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13602 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_04.png" alt="" width="424" height="184" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Staff Type:</strong> Select the type of staff from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 05.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13603 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_05.png" alt="" width="380" height="181" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Staff Type:</strong> Select the type of staff from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 05.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13603 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_05.png" alt="" width="380" height="181" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Unit:</strong> Select the unit where the employee working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 06.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13604 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_06.png" alt="" width="412" height="142" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Unit:</strong> Select the unit where the employee working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 06.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13604 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_06.png" alt="" width="412" height="142" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Religion:</strong> Select the religion of the employee from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 07.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13605" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_07.png" alt="" width="384" height="147" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Religion:</strong> Select the religion of the employee from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 07.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13605" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_07.png" alt="" width="384" height="147" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Branch:</strong> Select the branch name where the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 08.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13606 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_08.png" alt="" width="497" height="201" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Branch:</strong> Select the branch name where the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 08.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13606 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_08.png" alt="" width="497" height="201" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Division:</strong> Select the division where the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 09.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13607 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_09.png" alt="" width="438" height="166" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Division:</strong> Select the division where the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 09.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13607 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_09.png" alt="" width="438" height="166" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Pay Configuration:</strong> Select the pay configuration in which the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 10.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13608 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_10.png" alt="" width="446" height="152" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Pay Configuration:</strong> Select the pay configuration in which the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 10.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13608 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_10.png" alt="" width="446" height="152" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Shift:</strong> Select the shift in which the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 11.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13609 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_11.png" alt="" width="453" height="188" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Shift:</strong> Select the shift in which the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 11.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13609 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_11.png" alt="" width="453" height="188" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Department:</strong> Select the department in which the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 12.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13610" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_12.png" alt="" width="443" height="222" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Department:</strong> Select the department in which the employee is working.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 12.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13610" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_12.png" alt="" width="443" height="222" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Reporting To:</strong> Select the reporting person to whom the employee is reporting.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 13.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13611 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_13.png" alt="" width="443" height="223" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Reporting To:</strong> Select the reporting person to whom the employee is reporting.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 13.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13611 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_13.png" alt="" width="443" height="223" /></a></li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Punch Type:</strong> The punch type consists of the following buttons which help to process the different sets of records depending on the punch.Unchanged: <li><strong>Punch Type:</strong> The punch type consists of the following buttons which help to process the different sets of records depending on the punch.
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li><strong>All Records:</strong> Selecting this button will process all the records which include both punch and non-punching entries.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>All Records:</strong> Selecting this button will process all the records which include both punch and non-punching entries.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Punch Records Only:</strong> All the punched entries will be processed by selecting this button.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Punch Records Only:</strong> All the punched entries will be processed by selecting this button.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Non-Punch Records Only:</strong> All the non-punched entries will be processed by selecting this button.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Non-Punch Records Only:</strong> All the non-punched entries will be processed by selecting this button.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Single Punch:</strong> All the single punched entries will be processed by this button.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Single Punch:</strong> All the single punched entries will be processed by this button.</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Day Type:</strong> Select the leave type from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 14.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13612 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_14.png" alt="" width="341" height="330" /></a></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Day Type:</strong> Select the leave type from the picklist.<a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_ 14.png"><img class="size-full wp-image-13612 aligncenter" src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2021/06/Attendance_14.png" alt="" width="341" height="330" /></a></li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>Click the <strong>Apply</strong> button.</li>Unchanged: <li>Click the <strong>Apply</strong> button.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>CSV Import</strong>: The employee data are entered on the CSV file, then click the CSV button and enter the required details.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>CSV Import</strong>: The employee data are entered on the CSV file, then click the CSV button and enter the required details.</li>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Add Row:</strong> Click the Add row button and enter the details required in the table.</li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Add Row:</strong> Click the Add row button and enter the details required in the table.</li>
Deleted: <li>Click the Save button.</li> Added: <li>Click the <strong>Save</strong> button.</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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