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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from July 28, 2021 @ 11:12:30. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Salary History

Salary history is a unique concept that presents an employee’s past earnings. A salary history typically includes the name of each company, job title, and the salary and benefits package the candidate has received until the previous month. Salary history is different from a salary requirement. In our Goodbooks tool, the features are automatically configured month-wise. This Salary history is the overall earning and deductions and the complete package given to the employee.  In the Employee salary screen, the entire salary history of the employee can be viewed.
  1. Employee code & name: Select the employee from the picklist of codes and names. Now you can add or edit data regarding the selected employee.
  2. Type: Type has four options: Salary, overtime, bonus, and arrears. Based on the requirement select a type and proceed.
  3. Month & Year: Specify the month and year of the salary details in the next two fields.
  4. Earnings: This field should have the salary earned by the employee according to the month like basic earned, allowances, perks, compensation.
  5. Deductions: The deductions if any to the salary should be specified in this field. The field here includes the monthly deductions like advance, loan, ESI, PF, TDS, after calculating the aforesaid if any. 
  6. Net pay: Net pay is calculated from the earnings and deductions value. The net pay can be calculated automatically.
  7. C2C: Cost to the Company is the cost incurred by the organization when hiring an employee, it involves every component provided to the employee by the company. 
  8. From & To date: In these fields, specify the start and end date of this salary entry.
  9. Gratuity Days - Usually Gratuity is based on the number of years the employee works in the company. Preferably the days have to be calculated in terms to fulfill the worked days. The below table illustrates the Gratuity days. 
  10. Bonus On Amount:
  11. Click the Save button.

Revision Differences

There are no differences between the July 28, 2021 @ 11:12:30 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)

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