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Pay Processing-Pay Slip Issue

Payslip is the salary beneficent given to an employee weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly. Many Indian companies issue salaries monthly with payslip included. 

Path: Transaction > Pay Processing > Pay Slip Issue

  1. Biz Type: The Biz type is selected as default.
  2. Payment No: For database purposes, the Payment number will be generated automatically to identify the payments.
  3. Payout Date: The payout date on which day the payment is issued will be recorded.
  4. Pay From Account: The account from which the payment is issued will be selected in this field.
  5. Remarks: Enter any information or remarks in this field.
  6. Status: Select a required status from the list of alternatives. 
    1. Prepared: Once the monthly processing for the payment is clarified and processed.
    2. Paid: When the payment is paid to the respective employee. Either the option automatically moves to paid or the respective person manually.
    3. Blocked:  This happens when there are any discrepancies or any misclassification before paying.
    4. Unpaid: It may represent whether the payment is being prepared or in any status, the tool will be in Unpaid status. Based on the calculation after the confirmation, it is moved to paid or prepared status.
  7. Filter: If the payslip is to be configured to single or multiple employees, click on the filter option.
    1. After selecting, the result will be published and can be edited for the process we discussed in the previous paragraph. While completing, click the update button. 
  8. Click the save/update button to record the details.


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