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Revision 16050 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Master Schedule Detail

Navigation Path: Planning>Transaction>Master Schedule Detail

1.Follow the above steps to open the ‘Master Schedule Detail’ screen.

2. In the ‘Master Schedule’ field enter the already created master schedule listed in the drop-down list and click ‘Load’.

3. This popup helps the user to filter using various options.

a. Forecast Filtering:

i. When the popup appears, tick/untick the ‘Forecast’ button to use the created forecast.

ii. In the ‘Forecast’ drop-down list select the created forecast and click Apply.

b. Biz Transaction Filtering (To be done only after Step 3b):

I. Tick/untick the safety stock as required. Enabling/disabling safety stock includes/excludes the buffer stock in planning.

ii. In the ‘Class’ text field firstly remove the preset classes and then choose the desired type of class from the drop-down list for planning.

iii. In the ‘BizTransaction’ field choose the relevant constituent related to the Class.

iv. In the ‘Type’ text field choose the constituent as shown in the dropdown list.

v. Click ‘Apply’ which leads to the main screen.

4. From the main Master Schedule Detail screen, choose the preset Master Schedule from the drop-down list.

5. Choosing the Master Schedule lists the items planned in the grid.

6. In the lower tabular column fill the necessary details to complete the Master Schedule Detail process.

Source TypeIndicates the source of the entry (i.e. Forecast, Sale Order, Direct Entry, Master Schedule, Safety Stock, Others)
FromSelect the starting date from which the Master Schedule is applicable.
ToSelect the ending date to which the Master Schedule is applicable.
DaysAutogenerated when ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates are provided
Daily QuantityRepresents quantity to be produced daily
Total QuantityCalculated automatically (Total Quantity=Days*Daily Quantity)
Balance QuantityRepresent remaining quantity calculated automatically
Plan QuantityIndicates Planned Quantity
PartyThis field represents whichever party the Master Schedule is allocated.
AllocationIndicates the work order to be allocated to the Master Schedule
RemarksAdd any descriptive comments if needed

7. Click ‘Save’ to store the Master Schedule Detail.



Revision Differences

December 8, 2022 @ 09:31:09Current Revision
Unchanged: <!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} -->
Unchanged: <p class="has-text- align-center" ><strong><u>Navigation Path: Planning&gt;Transaction&gt;Master Schedule Detail</u></strong></p>Unchanged: <p class="has-text- align-center" ><strong><u>Navigation Path: Planning&gt;Transaction&gt;Master Schedule Detail</u></strong></p>
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Deleted: <ol type="1" start="1"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>Follow the above steps to open the ‘Master Schedule Detail’ screen.</li> Added: <p>1.Follow the above steps to open the ‘Master Schedule Detail’ screen.</p>
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Deleted: <li>In the ‘Master Schedule’ field enter the already created master schedule listed in the drop-down list and click ‘Load’.</li> Added: <p>2. In the ‘Master Schedule’ field enter the already created master schedule listed in the drop-down list and click ‘Load’.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
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Deleted: <li>This popup helps the user to filter using various options.<!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"a","start":1} --> Added: <p>3. This popup helps the user to filter using various options.</p>
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 Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
 Added: <p>a. <strong>Forecast Filtering:</strong></p>
 Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <ol type="a" start="1"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li><strong>Forecast Filtering:</strong><!-- wp:list -->  
Deleted: <ul><!-- wp:list-item --> 
Deleted: <li>When the popup appears, tick/untick the ‘Forecast’ button to use the created forecast.</li> Added: <p>i. When the popup appears, tick/untick the ‘Forecast’ button to use the created forecast.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ul> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --></li> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
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Deleted: <li>In the ‘Forecast’ drop-down list select the created forecast and click Apply.</li> Added: <p>ii. In the ‘Forecast’ drop-down list select the created forecast and click Apply.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ul> 
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Deleted: <li><strong>Biz Transaction Filtering (To be done only after Step 3b):</strong><!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"i","start":1} --> Added: <p><strong>b. Biz Transaction Filtering (To be done only after Step 3b):</strong></p>
 Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <ol type="i" start="1"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>Tick/untick the safety stock as required. Enabling/disabling safety stock includes/excludes the buffer stock in planning.</li> Added: <p>I. Tick/untick the safety stock as required. Enabling/disabling safety stock includes/excludes the buffer stock in planning.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --></li> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
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Deleted: <li>In the ‘Class’ text field firstly remove the preset classes and then choose the desired type of class from the drop-down list for planning.</li> Added: <p>ii. In the ‘Class’ text field firstly remove the preset classes and then choose the desired type of class from the drop-down list for planning.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
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Deleted: <li>In the ‘BizTransaction’ field choose the relevant constituent related to the Class.</li> Added: <p>iii. In the ‘BizTransaction’ field choose the relevant constituent related to the Class.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
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Deleted: <ol type="1" start="3"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>In the ‘Type’ text field choose the constituent as shown in the dropdown list.</li> Added: <p>iv. In the ‘Type’ text field choose the constituent as shown in the dropdown list.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --> Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16044," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16044," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->
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Deleted: <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"1","start":3} --> 
Deleted: <ol type="1" start="3"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>Click ‘Apply’ which leads to the main screen.</li> Added: <p>v. Click ‘Apply’ which leads to the main screen.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --> Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16045," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16045," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->
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Deleted: <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"1","start":4} --> 
Deleted: <ol type="1" start="4"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>From the main Master Schedule Detail screen, choose the preset Master Schedule from the drop-down list.</li> Added: <p>4. From the main Master Schedule Detail screen, choose the preset Master Schedule from the drop-down list.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --> Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16046," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16046," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->
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Deleted: <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"1","start":5} --> 
Deleted: <ol type="1" start="5"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>Choosing the Master Schedule lists the items planned in the grid.</li> Added: <p>5. Choosing the Master Schedule lists the items planned in the grid.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --> Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16047," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16047," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->
Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2022/12/image- 74.png"><img src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2022/12/image-74.png" alt="" class="wp-image- 16047"/></a></figure>Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block-image size-full"><a href="https:/ /help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2022/12/image- 74.png"><img src="https:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2022/12/image-74.png" alt="" class="wp-image- 16047"/></a></figure>
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Deleted: <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"1","start":6} --> 
Deleted: <ol type="1" start="6"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>In the lower tabular column fill the necessary details to complete the Master Schedule Detail process.</li> Added: <p>6. In the lower tabular column fill the necessary details to complete the Master Schedule Detail process.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --> Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:table -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:table -->
Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block- table"><table><tbody><tr> <td><strong>Source Type</strong> </td><td>Indicates the source of the entry (i.e. Forecast, Sale Order, Direct Entry, Master Schedule, Safety Stock, Others)</td>< /tr><tr><td>< strong>From< /strong></td><td>Select the starting date from which the Master Schedule is applicable.</ td></tr><tr>< td><strong>To< /strong></td><td>Select the ending date to which the Master Schedule is applicable.</ td></tr><tr>< td><strong>Days< /strong></td> <td>Autogenerated when ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates are provided</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Daily Quantity</strong> </td><td>Represents quantity to be produced daily</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Total Quantity</strong> </td><td>Calculated automatically (Total Quantity=Days*Daily Quantity)</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Balance Quantity</strong> </td><td>Represent remaining quantity calculated automatically< /td></tr><tr> <td><strong>Plan Quantity</strong> </td><td>Indicates Planned Quantity</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Party< /strong></td><td>This field represents whichever party the Master Schedule is allocated.</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Allocation< /strong></td> <td>Indicates the work order to be allocated to the Master Schedule</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Remarks< /strong></td><td>Add any descriptive comments if needed</td></ tr></tbody></ table></figure>Unchanged: <figure class="wp-block- table"><table><tbody><tr> <td><strong>Source Type</strong> </td><td>Indicates the source of the entry (i.e. Forecast, Sale Order, Direct Entry, Master Schedule, Safety Stock, Others)</td>< /tr><tr><td>< strong>From< /strong></td><td>Select the starting date from which the Master Schedule is applicable.</ td></tr><tr>< td><strong>To< /strong></td><td>Select the ending date to which the Master Schedule is applicable.</ td></tr><tr>< td><strong>Days< /strong></td> <td>Autogenerated when ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates are provided</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Daily Quantity</strong> </td><td>Represents quantity to be produced daily</td></tr> <tr><td><strong>Total Quantity</strong> </td><td>Calculated automatically (Total Quantity=Days*Daily Quantity)</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Balance Quantity</strong> </td><td>Represent remaining quantity calculated automatically< /td></tr><tr> <td><strong>Plan Quantity</strong> </td><td>Indicates Planned Quantity</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Party< /strong></td><td>This field represents whichever party the Master Schedule is allocated.</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Allocation< /strong></td> <td>Indicates the work order to be allocated to the Master Schedule</td> </tr><tr><td> <strong>Remarks< /strong></td><td>Add any descriptive comments if needed</td></ tr></tbody></ table></figure>
Unchanged: <!-- /wp:table -->Unchanged: <!-- /wp:table -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16048," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16048," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->
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Deleted: <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true," type":"1","start":7} --> 
Deleted: <ol type="1" start="7"><!-- wp:list-item -->Added: <!-- wp:paragraph -->
Deleted: <li>Click ‘Save’ to store the Master Schedule Detail.</li> Added: <p>7. Click ‘Save’ to store the Master Schedule Detail.</p>
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list-item --></ol> 
Deleted: <!-- /wp:list --> Added: <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16049," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->Unchanged: <!-- wp:image {"id":16049," sizeSlug":"full" ,"linkDestination":"media"} -->
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Unchanged: <!-- /wp:image -->Unchanged: <!-- /wp:image -->

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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