Code Category
Codification category the item belongs to. This category determines the method of coding pattern being used for items under this category.
This include,
Type of generation
Automatic - GoodBooks generates Codes based on the rules set
Manual - User has to enter the code
Based on the setting, the system also displays the Prefix and Suffix that will be added to the Item Code.
Item Code
Item Code refers to the unique identifier using which any item is identified in the system. GoodBooks supports item codes up to 20 characters.
Based on the setting, (see above) item code may either be generated or to be entered manually.
If entered item code already exists, systems retrieves and shows the details in the screen. You can see or select the list of items by clicking the Picklist.
For more details please see section on Coding in GoodBooks
Item Name
Name of the item. This is used for referring the item
Care should be taken not to create different codes/name for the same item. This will create serious confusion to users of the system. So it is advisable that responsibility for creation of items remains with some one centralized. Person creating new codes should ensure that no code exists for the item (under same or different names) before creating a new item.
Best Practice:
- Centralize the Master creation and fix responsibility.
GB Tips
- Make use of Master Workflow Process for creation and approval
Short Name
Short Name for the item. 20 Chars size. This can be used in internal reports.
Detailed description of an item. This may contain details like specification etc. This can be used for sending detailed information for suppliers and partners.
Revision Differences
There are no differences between the May 8, 2014 @ 12:11:04 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)