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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from October 4, 2021 @ 04:23:09. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Gratuity Setting Configuration and Related Reports


Gratuity Group Creation

A gratuity is a mandatory lump sum amount to be given by the employer to workers under the Gratuity Act, 1972. Every employer bears an obligation to each of his dedicated years of service in the organization.
  1. The following details are needed to be provided by the clients as per their gratuity policies.
    1. Eligibility days per month
    2. Eligibility Years
    3. From and To Number of Years
    4. Allowance amount per day
  2. Go to HRMS - Master - Payroll Settings - Gratuity Settings and create a gratuity group with those details
  3. Click the Save button.

Mapping in OU-level Setting Screen

  1. Go to HRMS - Master - Payroll Settings - OU Level Setting
  2. Click the Others Tab
  3. Select the day's formula (present days or worked days) which is eligible for counting for eligibility and click the save button.

Mapping Gratuity Group to Employee

  1. Go to HRMS - Master - Employee - Employee Master - Company tab
  2. Select the applicable Gratuity Group for each employee and update the details.
  3. Go to Gratuity Reports.


Revision Differences

October 4, 2021 @ 04:23:09Current Revision
Unchanged: <h2>Gratuity Group Creation</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Gratuity Group Creation</h2>
Unchanged: A gratuity is a mandatory lump sum amount to be given by the employer to workers under the Gratuity Act, 1972. Every employer bears an obligation to each of his dedicated years of service in the organization.Unchanged: A gratuity is a mandatory lump sum amount to be given by the employer to workers under the Gratuity Act, 1972. Every employer bears an obligation to each of his dedicated years of service in the organization.
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li>The following details are needed to be provided by the clients as per their gratuity policies.Unchanged: <li>The following details are needed to be provided by the clients as per their gratuity policies.
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li>Eligibility days per month</li>Unchanged: <li>Eligibility days per month</li>
Unchanged: <li>Eligibility Years</li>Unchanged: <li>Eligibility Years</li>
Unchanged: <li>From and To Number of Years</li>Unchanged: <li>From and To Number of Years</li>
Unchanged: <li>Allowance amount per day</li>Unchanged: <li>Allowance amount per day</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: </li>Unchanged: </li>
Unchanged: <li>Go to <strong>HRMS - Master - Payroll Settings - Gratuity Settings</strong> and create a gratuity group with those details</li>Unchanged: <li>Go to <strong>HRMS - Master - Payroll Settings - Gratuity Settings</strong> and create a gratuity group with those details</li>
Deleted: <li>Click <strong>Save</strong> the button.</li> Added: <li>Click the <strong> Save</strong>  button.</li>
 Added: </ol>
 Added: <h2>Mapping in OU-level Setting Screen</h2>
 Added: <ol>
 Added: <li>Go to <strong>HRMS - Master - Payroll Settings - OU Level Setting</strong></li>
 Added: <li>Click the <strong> Others</strong> Tab</li>
 Added: <li>Select the day's formula (present days or worked days) which is eligible for counting for eligibility and click the save button.</li>
 Added: </ol>
 Added: <h2>Mapping Gratuity Group to Employee</h2>
 Added: <ol>
 Added: <li>Go to <strong>HRMS - Master - Employee - Employee Master - Company tab</strong></li>
 Added: <li>Select the applicable Gratuity Group for each employee and update the details.</li>
 Added: <li>Go to <strong>Gratuity Reports</strong>.</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Deleted: <h2>Mapping in Oulevel Setting Screeen</h2> 
Deleted: Go to Go to HRMS - Master - Payroll Settings  - Ou Level Setting 
Deleted: Go to Others Tab 
Deleted: Select the days  formula (presentdays or worked days) which is eligible for counting for eligibility and click save 
Deleted: <h2>Mappying Gratuity Group to Employee</h2> 
Deleted: Go to Hrms - Master - Employee - Employee Master - Company tab 
Deleted: Select applicable Gratuity Group to each employee and update 
Deleted: Gratuity Reports 

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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