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Generate Invoice

Generate invoice screen is used for generation of invoices based on specific parties, contracts, amounts, etc. This usually follows a contract and its respective Bill Authorization Memo (BAM).


Fields & its description

  • Party/Branch

There are two ways to deal with these fields. Either you can specify the party and branch to generate invoices for that selection alone or you can leave these fields empty which will generate invoice for all.

  • Biztransaction Type

Select the required Biztransaction type from the given list. E.g. Bill Authorization Memo (BAM)

  • From/To Date

Specify the initial and final date of the contract respectively in these fields.

  • Billing date

This date should be the official billing date of the contract.

  • Contracts Due Until

This indicates the date up to which the contract is billed. E.g. If the contract is from 1st March 2016 to 1st March 2018 and this field is specified as 30th June 2017 then the billing will be until 30th June only.

  • Bill amount above

Specifying the bill amount will only generate invoices above that amount. E.g. Entering 10,000 will generate invoices for bills that are above 10,000. But when you require all bills to be generated, enter ‘0‘.









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