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Auto Bill Allocation

Auto bill allocation calculates all the bills to its net amount, whether it is receivables or payables. This ensures that there are no bill mismatching. This process is simple as it involves only specifying the account, group and date.


Fields & its description:

  • Control Account

This is similar to a parent account. Enter the control account where your required account belongs.

  • A/C Group

Similar to control account, that account will also have an account group. Select an account group from the given list.

  • Account

Select the specific account from this field.

  • From Date

This should be the starting date where all the transactions from that date shall be accounted.


1. clearalloc

This button will allocate all the credit bills along with its debit bills. It will also clear all the bills after the allocation.


2. mismatch

There can be instances where the voucher entry of a transaction will be available but its respective receivable and payable bills are missing. Clicking on this button will ensure that all the mismatched bills are accounted for.


3. btchalloc

Batch allocate button will allocate bills that have conflict with other bills so that account balance is properly maintained.

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