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Work Bench

Work Bench

Path: Maintenance>Transaction>Work Bench

Work Bench screen is a control center allowing the user to view or allocate the tasks and calls. A comprehensive filter option available at the Work Bench, which can effectively sort between tasks and calls to give you the exact information.

  1. Type: The type will be having options to select the tasks and calls.

Task: The list of tasks will be available. Allocate the tasks to any of the employees.

Calls: Reported calls will be listed. Assign the pending calls and review the completed calls.

2. Once the type is selected as Call, then the status and details of the call will be required to assign the call to the employee.

3. Status: Depends on the status, the reported calls will be displayed.

Pending: The calls which are pending due to any issues or which are not yet started will be displayed.

Allotted: The calls which are allotted to perform activities will be listed.

Completed: The completed calls will be listed.

Postponed: Few calls can be postponed due to resource unavailability or any other reasons, those kinds of calls will be listed here.

Call Back:  To proceed further, a call back is to be made. This may be for consultation and other reasons.

4. Allotted Type: Select where this call is to be allotted. This can be Employee if it is an employee of your organization. Technician, if it is someone who is specialized for this and may not be an employee. Party can also be selected if this call is allotted to one of your parties.

5. Allotted To: Enter the specific employee, technician, or party in the Allotted To field.

6. Call Type: The call can be received for any complaints, services, or repair. Select the type as per the requirement.

7. Click the Load button once selecting all the criteria. This will list the various calls or tasks under this criteria.

Allotted To: The Allotted To criteria that are selected before will be shown here. Based on this, the call or task list will be displayed. The user can able to change the Allotted To name here.


Call Type: The call type which is selected before will be displayed here.

Call Nature: The nature of a call can be due to wiring fault, component fault, etc. The call nature will be defined while registering the call.

Completed By: Select the name of a person who was completed this task or call.

Closed By: The person who is closing the task or call will be mentioned here.

8. Click the Update button.

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