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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from March 10, 2015 @ 11:53:17. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Transaction Type

Transaction type is used to define various modes of transaction. Transactions may vary from local to international along with its respective taxes. The respective forms, credit type and other transaction related information can be mentioned. trantype   Fields & its description:
  • Code & Name
Enter a code and name for transaction. E.g. LS as code and Local Sales as name.
  • Transaction Type
TAX and DUTY are the two transaction types available. Select an option according to your requirement.
  • Nature
Now the the nature of the transaction is available. Here there are basic options like sales, purchase and transfer. Returning transactions are also possible and is provided in the options. Job work and Sub contract, which refers to obtaining and providing jobs.
  • Location
Enter the location which can be Domestic - within/outside state and international.
  • Is Form Received
Check this option if the corresponding transaction form is received from the party. If you have checked this option then specify the Receive Form.
  • Is Form Issued
Check this option if the corresponding transaction form is issued to the party. If you have checked this option then specify the Issue Form.
  •  VAT Category
Specify the Value Added Tax category of the transaction.
  • Credit Type
There are various credit types possible. Based on the credit claim, select the required option.
  •  Tracking
If you want to track the progress of this transaction then select this option.
  • RG1 Category
Several options are present under this field that allows you to specify the RG1 category which maybe export under bond or rebate duty, home, manufactured and others. Choose accordingly.        

Revision Differences

March 10, 2015 @ 11:53:17Current Revision
Unchanged: Transaction type is used to define various modes of transaction. Transactions may vary from local to international along with its respective taxes. The respective forms, credit type and other transaction related information can be mentioned.Unchanged: Transaction type is used to define various modes of transaction. Transactions may vary from local to international along with its respective taxes. The respective forms, credit type and other transaction related information can be mentioned.
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/03/trantype.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3114" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ trantype.png" alt="trantype" width="990" height="515" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/03/trantype.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3114" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ trantype.png" alt="trantype" width="990" height="515" /></a>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: <strong>Fields &amp; its description:</strong>Unchanged: <strong>Fields &amp; its description:</strong>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Code &amp; Name</strong></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Code &amp; Name</strong></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: Enter a code and name for transaction. E.g. <em>LS</em> as code and <em>Local Sales </em>as name.Unchanged: Enter a code and name for transaction. E.g. <em>LS</em> as code and <em>Local Sales </em>as name.
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Transaction Type</strong></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Transaction Type</strong></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: <em>TAX</em> and <em>DUTY </em>are the two transaction types available. Select an option according to your requirement.Unchanged: <em>TAX</em> and <em>DUTY </em>are the two transaction types available. Select an option according to your requirement.
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Nature< /strong></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Nature< /strong></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: Now the the nature of the transaction is available. Here there are basic options like <em>sales, purchase </em>and<em> transfer. </em>Returning transactions are also possible and is provided in the options. <em>Job work</em> and <em>Sub contract, </em>which refers to obtaining and providing jobs.Unchanged: Now the the nature of the transaction is available. Here there are basic options like <em>sales, purchase </em>and<em> transfer. </em>Returning transactions are also possible and is provided in the options. <em>Job work</em> and <em>Sub contract, </em>which refers to obtaining and providing jobs.
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li><strong>Location< /strong></li>Unchanged: <li><strong>Location< /strong></li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: Enter the location which can be <em>Domestic - within/outside state </em>and <em>international.</em>Unchanged: Enter the location which can be <em>Domestic - within/outside state </em>and <em>international.</em>
Deleted: &nbsp;Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>Is Form Received</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: Check this option if the corresponding transaction form is received from the party. If you have checked this option then specify the <strong>Receive Form.</strong>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>Is Form Issued</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: Check this option if the corresponding transaction form is issued to the party. If you have checked this option then specify the <strong>Issue Form.</strong>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li> <strong>VAT Category</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: Specify the Value Added Tax category of the transaction.
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>Credit Type</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: There are various credit types possible. Based on the credit claim, select the required option.
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li> <strong> Tracking</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: If you want to track the progress of this transaction then select this option.
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>RG1 Category</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: Several options are present under this field that allows you to specify the RG1 category which maybe export under bond or rebate duty, home, manufactured and others. Choose accordingly.
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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