Shift Management is a part of the HRMS module used to manage the different types of shifts & help the organization to plan and schedule employee shifts without any complication. Here we can calculate total absent & payable days on monthly basis according to applied shifts, which will use during salary calculation.
Shift Master mainly implies the sectors which have a different set of Shift timings that the company revolves through.
For each shift, there will be a change in the employee shift cycle. Each shift cycle, there will be “n” number of employees working in the above-said sectors, to maintain this occupancy, companies nowadays have changed from signing in the register to Biometrics, where the biometrics captures and updates each individual registered in the biometrics database. The database is the hold for recording the employee, for that each employee database has to be entered and monitored in the company HRMS (Human Resources Management System).
Path: HRMS>Master>Attendance Settings>Shift Master
- Code: Type a unique code to indicate a specific shift in the shift master. Take any sector type of company, it revolves around their own build-in code, for example as we mentioned in the intro Manufacturing and Industries – usually runs on the 24/7 clock, with specific shift timings from the strategic level to the tactical level employees. The whole process can’t be run again without continuation, so each process has to be database by the organization. For this maintenance, the Goodbooks HRMS plays a vital role in fulfilling the gap. Eg. General Shift: The General shift is also a fixed shift, this shift is allotted only for the Administration or Management level employees. General shift and Production shift cannot be combined to bring the shift timings properly, so this is exclusively for the management level employees. But the shift timings prescribed by the HR policy don’t differ unless needed. In the General shift, the shift allowances are not added to their shift timings, because they stick to one Shift pattern and don’t revolve.
Note: these mentioned timings denote railway timings that 24/7 schedule, wherein turns to shift timings it gets converted to normal timing that is 12/7 time which is helpful for concerns which run all seven days a week. - Description: Enter the description for the shift. E.g. general shift, night shift, etc. To differentiate shifts, you can check the production shifts check box if required. The description is detailed for our clear understanding.
- Productions Shift – Shift timings are allocated according to the production rotation shift timing.
We can see, if the box is ticked then the Production Shift cycle will automatically get recorded.
- Production Shift 1 – 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
- Production Shift 1 – 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
- Production Shift 1 – 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
This is how shift-timing works.
- Start & End Time: Enter the start and end times of the shift in these fields. The time should be entered in 24-hour format only. See the Start time and the end time for General Shift – starts from 9:00 AM to 17:30 (5:30 PM) and it also has two variable times that is two halves – first half from – 9:00 AM to first-half end time – 13:30 (1:30 PM) and the second half start time – 14:00 (2:00 PM) and the second half end time – 17:30 (5:30 PM). But in the general shift, the duration is calculated in hours to easily collect the hours of work the employees are allotted to, Total hours of work: 510 minutes (8 hours 50 minutes including break hours)Break Minutes: 30 minutes exclude Break hours: 480 minutes (8 hours of work allotted)
- First Half Start & End Time: First half start time is filled automatically as this is the same as the start time you entered previously. First-half end time is the time when lunch has begun in the organization. Full-Day or Half-Day Minutes classification: The default working minutes are calculated and given as 480 minutes, but when the employee works only between 200 – 400 minutes from the 480 minutes, the attendance will default to be taken as Half a day leave. When the employee, on any occurrences was unable to work for the complete attendance hours and logs out earlier below 200 minutes or less than that, the employee attendance will be marked as Absent. It falls between the minutes allotted for the employee and this applicability is for the entire organization.
First half Cut of minutes
The heading itself states the First half cut of minutes, meaning when the employee did not punch in at the scheduled office hours, for example from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, instead of the employee punches or logs in 15 minutes late, the attendance will capture it as half a day absent.
- Second Half Start & End Time: Second half start time is the time when lunch has in the organization. The second half end time is filled automatically. Second Half Cut of minutes
The same allotments is for the second half also, this will automatically generate the half-day for the late coming. These two cut-off timings solely belong to the organization’s decision to allow 10 or more than 10 minutes. Accordingly, the shift patterns change as per timings, so the production will not be stopped. Therefore the main agenda the concern has to concentrate on is the centralized flow in the business which eventually falls on the foundation of time allotment. To be more specific, each production shift time allotment helps to know more.
- Shift Minutes: Shift minutes are filled automatically according to the shift time you have specified in the previous fields.
- Grace Minutes: Grace minutes is the allocated grace time after the start time of your organization.
- Break Applicable: Select the checkbox if break time is applicable.
- Break Minutes: If the Break Applicable option is selected, you need to enter the total break time in minutes.
- Working minutes: Entering the break time will consolidate the new shift time by deducting the break time from the shift automatically in this field. E.g. If shift minutes are 600 minutes and break time is 45 minutes then working time will be calculated as 555 minutes.
- Sort Order: Sort Order is used to sort the shifts according to your needs.
In Sort order – is where the particular shift time allotment will be entered for a specific group of employees, and this will be scheduled to those employees to work under that shift, likewise, the sort order will be differentiated as per each group, to avoid confusion in the shift allotments. This will be recorded data under individual shift timing and also as a shifting group. To know that shift timing the sort order differentiates each shift organized. The sort order goes with the shift pattern, to segregate the shifts and to arrange in order. Because in case any employee subgroup extends their work timing, they can easily be filtered with logging in and logging out.
- Remarks: Enter any details regarding the shift.
- Click the Save button.
In all the Production shifts, the employees are granted shift allowances, the allowances can be compensated with monetary benefits, perks, rewards. Companies and sectors related to the production shifts follow these allowances at a priority level. Each shift has different timings affixed and deploys employees accordingly, this is followed to adequately fulfill the productions.
Related Questions:
- Production Time Allotments:
Production Shift 1 – PROSFT1 is the code name mentioned to this shift time.
The below picture illustrates in detail the specific production time from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM. This shift time denotes the employees who are allocated to work in this hour, that is from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM with a half an hour break in between and then begins at 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM, denotes 8 hours of the shift.
The marked portion differentiates between General and Production shifts. Because as said earlier the administration and the management people default fall in the General shift, whereas the tactical or skilled employees come under the production unit shift timings, in the aforementioned timing. |
As we discussed that the shift timings changes accordingly but the work allotment hours in any concerns be the same, which will be either 8 hours to 9 hours that includes the above-said break timings. In this shift also the Full and Half-day minutes, the First half, and the Second half cut-off minutes are calculated procedure-wise.
Production Shift 2 – PROSFT2 for the second shift code.
The below picture illustrates in detail the specific production time from 14:00 to 22:00 (2:00 PM to 10:00 PM. This shift time denotes the employees who are allocated to work in this hour, that is from
14:00 to 18:30 (2:00 PM to 6:30 PM) with a half an hour break in between and then begins at 18:30 AM to 22:00, denotes 8 hours of the shift.
In this, the Start Time and the shift’s end time are allocated as per the description mentioned for this particular Production shift. basically, the employees will work in this shift timings to compensate the workload of production.
In this screen, we can see the First Half cut-off Minutes or the second cut half are not included, based on the client’s interest the option will be added to the screen.
Production Shift 3 – PROSFT3 as the third shift code.
The same shift time is as well applicable to the third shift too.
Note: The Grace minutes mentioned in each shift timing is the flexibility given by the employer on the following basis.
- On Duty
- Permission basis
- Granted on Request – In case of Emergency, Field Marketing, Client visitations.
These above-mentioned four scenarios are the usual shifts that any company revolves around. The screen is a user-friendly access screen because most of the options are automatically configured based on the Client’s request, once explained it is easy to go ERP.
General Shift – Default Shift timing allotted for Administration and Management employees.
The box will be ticked to ensure the default shift that is from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Full-Day Minutes & Half Day Minutes – If the employee punches less than 480 minutes, it will be considered as half-day, and if the employee is present less than 200 – 400 Minutes, then the employee will be considered full day absent
First and Second half cut off Minutes
If it is mentioned -1, then the company doesn’t follow any leave policy.
If the company has mentioned zero means, the employee should not be late, he/she must be punched at the scheduled time.
In case, if the employee comes 10 minutes late, then the punch time will be recorded as 10 minutes.
But if the company policy states, if ten minutes are delayed it will be a half-day cut, it will be recorded automatically.
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