These are basic but important functions which will allow you to save, update and delete the entries including those in grids.
Every time you input data into the screen, make sure you save them even if it is incomplete so you can continue later. Simply click on the Save button which will save your values (if there are no errors).
There are several tables or grids in GoodBooks where you need to add entries to each row. Add rows by clicking on the Add Row button usually available below the grid.
After you have saved your entries, you may want to edit specific details. Go to the required screen and select the entry whose particulars are to be edited. Once you have edited, the save button becomes Update. Click on this button to update your recent values.
In situations where you must delete an entry, just click on the Delete button which will completely wipe out that entry. Like adding grids, you can also delete grids by clicking on the Delete
row button. The same function can be done by clicking on this
Revision Differences
There are no differences between the January 30, 2016 @ 05:31:02 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)