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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from March 11, 2019 @ 09:28:22. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Sale Price Arrival

In Good Books Sale rate is arrived based on Rate type and Pricing For (purpose) option in Itemou Screen - Sales Tab Rate Type 1. Variable. 2. Price List 3. Discount Price   Pricing For 1. Item 2. Group 3. Formula 4. Link    


Sales Price arrival based on Price List

1. Go to itemou screen and select sales tab 2. check pricelist option for rate type 3. check pricing for as item 4. go to stores - Master - Item Menu - item master . go to classification tab 5. select price category of the item (For creating price category please click here) 6. Go to Sales - Master - Pricelisttype- Create pricelist type (like ho pricelist, branch price list ) and select applicable 7. Create price category - Go to Sales - Master - Price Category (like pump, spares and etc) 8. Create party category and link to price category with pricelist in partyprice category screen . Go to Sales - Master - party price category 9. link the partyprice category with party That is all

Sales Price arrival based on Discount Price

1. Go to Itemou screen. Go to 1. Ratetype = Discount Price 2. Pricing for = Item 2. Create 3 parts category 1. Pump (Type1) 2. Pump (Type2) 3. Spare 3 map parts category with item 4. Create Party category 1. Party a 2. Party b 3. Party 5. Create pricelist for the item 6. Map the party category with party 7.make entry in discountprice based on the party category 8. Make invoice and check


Revision Differences

March 11, 2019 @ 09:28:22Current Revision
Unchanged: In Good Books Sale rate is arrived based on Rate type and Pricing For (purpose) option in Itemou Screen - Sales TabUnchanged: In Good Books Sale rate is arrived based on Rate type and Pricing For (purpose) option in Itemou Screen - Sales Tab
Unchanged: Rate TypeUnchanged: Rate Type
Unchanged: 1. Variable.Unchanged: 1. Variable.
Unchanged: 2. Price ListUnchanged: 2. Price List
Unchanged: 3. Discount PriceUnchanged: 3. Discount Price
Unchanged:  Unchanged:  
Unchanged: Pricing ForUnchanged: Pricing For
Unchanged: 1. ItemUnchanged: 1. Item
Unchanged: 2. GroupUnchanged: 2. Group
Unchanged: 3. FormulaUnchanged: 3. Formula
Unchanged: 4. LinkUnchanged: 4. Link
Unchanged:  Unchanged:  
Unchanged:  Unchanged:  
Unchanged: <h2>Sales Price arrival based on Price List</h2>Unchanged: <h2>Sales Price arrival based on Price List</h2>
Unchanged: 1. Go to itemou screen and select sales tabUnchanged: 1. Go to itemou screen and select sales tab
Unchanged: 2. check pricelist option for rate typeUnchanged: 2. check pricelist option for rate type
Unchanged: 3. check pricing for as itemUnchanged: 3. check pricing for as item
Unchanged: 4. go to stores - Master - Item Menu - item master . go to classification tabUnchanged: 4. go to stores - Master - Item Menu - item master . go to classification tab
Deleted: 5. select price category of the item Added: 5. select price category of the item (For creating price category please click here)
Unchanged: 6. Go to Sales - Master - Pricelisttype- Create pricelist type (like ho pricelist, branch price list ) and select applicableUnchanged: 6. Go to Sales - Master - Pricelisttype- Create pricelist type (like ho pricelist, branch price list ) and select applicable
Unchanged: 7. Create price category - Go to Sales - Master - Price Category (like pump, spares and etc)Unchanged: 7. Create price category - Go to Sales - Master - Price Category (like pump, spares and etc)
Unchanged: 8. Create party category and link to price category with pricelist in partyprice category screen . Go to Sales - Master - party price categoryUnchanged: 8. Create party category and link to price category with pricelist in partyprice category screen . Go to Sales - Master - party price category
Unchanged: 9. link the partyprice category with partyUnchanged: 9. link the partyprice category with party
Unchanged: That is allUnchanged: That is all
 Added: <h2>Sales Price arrival based on Discount Price</h2>
 Added: 1. Go to Itemou screen. Go to
 Added: 1. Ratetype = Discount Price
 Added: 2. Pricing for = Item
 Added: 2. Create 3 parts category
 Added: 1. Pump (Type1)
 Added: 2. Pump (Type2)
Deleted: &nbsp;Added: 3. Spare
 Added: 3 map parts category with item
 Added: 4. Create Party category
 Added: 1. Party a
 Added: 2. Party b
 Added: 3. Party
 Added: 5. Create pricelist for the item
 Added: 6. Map the party category with party
 Added: 7.make entry in discountprice based on the party category
 Added: 8. Make invoice and check

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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