Problem, as the name suggests is for basic definition of problems which may be technical or miscellaneous in nature. This screen is used mainly for identifying all the problems and categorizing them into its source and consequence.
Fields & its description:
Enter a code and its corresponding name of the problem that you want to define.
Select the problem category from the given list which is used for classifying the problem type. E.g. If this problem is mechanical then select mechanical provided you have created a GCM (Admin module) for this.
Similar to problem category, applicable category is also a GCM but this is used to define where the problem will have its effect on. E.g. Based on the mechanical problem, the applicable type can be Fasteners.
You can also type any additional information on the problem if required in the remarks column.
Revision Differences
There are no differences between the October 12, 2015 @ 08:31:43 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)