Pouring follows the heating process and involves pouring molten material with the help of heat laddle. Record each pattern, its status and the exact laddle used for pouring with this screen.
Fields & its description:
Number refers to the pouring transaction number. select any unique transaction here.
Select the required heat process related to this pouring operation.
Refer to the Checklist to check the parameters fulfilled.
Box number is used to identify the box used for the pouring process.
This field displays the pattern model for pouring.
Select the status of the pouring process, this maybe Pending or Poured. If you select poured, this will automatically generate the Heat type (which you selected earlier) in the next column.
The large container that is used for pouring is called laddle. Select the laddle used for this specific process.
- October 30, 2015 @ 04:29:54 [Current Revision] by vv
- October 30, 2015 @ 04:29:54 by vv
- October 8, 2015 @ 13:46:40 by vv
- October 8, 2015 @ 13:29:26 by vv
- October 8, 2015 @ 13:18:57 by vv
Revision Differences
There are no differences between the October 30, 2015 @ 04:29:54 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)