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Revision 9904 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Notification in Goodbooks

NOTIFICATION Goodbooks is included new feature of Notification which is strengthening the business communication within the organization. The notification systems that provide a seamless solution to reach people in an emergency or for routine communication, user can contact them quickly with one controlled message. The software can be deployed within a company to prepare for any event or emergency that may halt business operations or within organizations as a public service messaging system. The software automates necessary actions like sending out mass notifications, sharing information, and mobilizing teams to prevent operational disruptions and quicken emergency response. To use this feature in Goodbooks, need to set some configuation in Goodbooks ERP. Action Action is the process by Goodbooks ERP  when user gives Command to do specific process.  For example while registering new user in ERP, after giving necessary information about the user, need to save.  Here "Save" is an action. Goodbooks allows to generaate "Action set"  which have all information like in which module, in which event the action to be taken, Mode of action. Event Type Action In this settings if any event invokes it may have more than one action. The actions linked with the event will be done duing the event invokes.  



Revision Differences

October 31, 2018 @ 06:58:39Current Revision
Unchanged: <strong>NOTIFICATION</strong>Unchanged: <strong>NOTIFICATION</strong>
Unchanged: Goodbooks is included new feature of Notification which is strengthening the business communication within the organization. The notification systems that provide a seamless solution to reach people in an emergency or for routine communication, user can contact them quickly with one controlled message.Unchanged: Goodbooks is included new feature of Notification which is strengthening the business communication within the organization. The notification systems that provide a seamless solution to reach people in an emergency or for routine communication, user can contact them quickly with one controlled message.
Unchanged: The software can be deployed within a company to prepare for any event or emergency that may halt business operations or within organizations as a public service messaging system. The software automates necessary actions like sending out mass notifications, sharing information, and mobilizing teams to prevent operational disruptions and quicken emergency response.Unchanged: The software can be deployed within a company to prepare for any event or emergency that may halt business operations or within organizations as a public service messaging system. The software automates necessary actions like sending out mass notifications, sharing information, and mobilizing teams to prevent operational disruptions and quicken emergency response.
Deleted: To use this feature in Goodbooks, need to few setting in Goodbooks ERP. Added: To use this feature in Goodbooks, need to set some configuation in Goodbooks ERP.
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/?p= 9899&amp;preview= true"><strong> Action</strong></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/?p= 9899&amp;preview= true"><strong> Action</strong></a>
Unchanged: Action is the process by Goodbooks ERP  when user gives Command to do specific process.  For example while registering new user in ERP, after giving necessary information about the user, need to save.  Here "Save" is an action.Unchanged: Action is the process by Goodbooks ERP  when user gives Command to do specific process.  For example while registering new user in ERP, after giving necessary information about the user, need to save.  Here "Save" is an action.
Unchanged: Goodbooks allows to generaate "Action set"  which have all information like in which module, in which event the action to be taken, Mode of action.Unchanged: Goodbooks allows to generaate "Action set"  which have all information like in which module, in which event the action to be taken, Mode of action.
Deleted: <strong>Event Type Action</strong> Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/?p= 9908&amp;preview= true"><strong>Event Type Action</strong></a>
Unchanged: In this settings if any event invokes it may have more than one action. The actions linked with the event will be done duing the event invokes.Unchanged: In this settings if any event invokes it may have more than one action. The actions linked with the event will be done duing the event invokes.
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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