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Item Stock

GoodBooks maintains the entire material list as Item Master.  This can range from raw materials to Finished Goods.  Enterprises, which run multiple businesses, may have different items for different divisions.  Enterprises, which have multiple stores, may also have different items in different stores.

GoodBooks as discussed earlier has a single repository of items.  In order to classify which items are to be applicable for which company, branch, division and stores a separate option is available.  This is necessary to use, as items that are required in a particular store, need only to be shown in that store.   Otherwise during the usage of the software, list will display items, which are not required for a particular store.

The Item Stock is matching process of item list and stores where it is applicable.  There is also some information, which may vary from store to store for the same item itself.  This information can be entered in the system for each store separately.

Select the Organization Unit and store for which you want to manage the list of items.    Use the filter option to select the required item using various filter conditions, as required.  Enter the Re Order Level (ROL)  and BIN Number of the item in that particular store.










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