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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from July 1, 2015 @ 09:44:38. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Item Query

Item query is used to store information about the stock i.e. the location of the stock, value and total quality. iquery Fields & its description:
  • Location
Enter the location of the stock where this item is available. This is usually the bin number of the respective item.
  • Item Code/Name
Specify the item code or corresponding name of the stock that is to be saved. After your selection, a below table displays the item present in a particular OU of your organization. This is because the default filter is OU, if you choose All OU then the item is shown throughout the various organization units. In order to know the quantity and other details regarding the item involved in a process, choose Process. The table provides various information about the item like cost, value and good quantity (some items may be damaged). The next screen Item Query without value is the same as this screen but differs as it hides value and cost. This is useful when the cost details is supposed to be classified.



Revision Differences

July 1, 2015 @ 09:44:38Current Revision
Deleted: Item Query Added: Item Query with/without value
Unchanged: Item query is used to store information about the stock i.e. the location of the stock, value and total quality.Unchanged: Item query is used to store information about the stock i.e. the location of the stock, value and total quality.
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/07/iquery.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4285" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/07/iquery.jpg" alt="iquery" width="1338" height="351" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/07/iquery.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4285" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/07/iquery.jpg" alt="iquery" width="1338" height="351" /></a>
 Added: <strong>Fields &amp; its description:</strong>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>Location< /strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: Enter the location of the stock where this item is available. This is usually the bin number of the respective item.
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li><strong>Item Code/Name</strong></li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: Specify the item code or corresponding name of the stock that is to be saved.
 Added: After your selection, a below table displays the item present in a particular OU of your organization. This is because the default filter is <em>OU, </em>if you choose <em>All OU </em>then the item is shown throughout the various organization units. In order to know the quantity and other details regarding the item involved in a process, choose <em>P</em><em> rocess.</em>
 Added: The table provides various information about the item like cost, value and good quantity (some items may be damaged).
 Added: The next screen <strong>Item Query without value </strong>is the same as this screen but differs as it hides value and cost. This is useful when the cost details is supposed to be classified.

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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