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How to set a Job scheuler ?

What is a job scheduler?

As the name indicates a Job scheduler is a setting that is available to define a job & schedule to get the output (result ) of the job at a specified time.

What types of jobs are scheduled using this Job scheduler & for what purpose?

For e.g., Suppose the management wants to have an update on the total cost incurred towards salary for this month till today, we can define and schedule an AutoPay processing Job.

To explain in detail in the above example we are defining a Job called Auto PayProcessing and schedule to get the resulting output of the job daily at 5 PM.


How to set a Job Scheduler?


Path: Admin> Master > Event > Job Define 

1.Name: Enter the Name of the Job as AutoPay Processing

2. Scheduler: Select Daily @ 5 PM from the picklist which has already been created.

3. Type: Select web service.

4.Web service: GET the Autopay processing done through Dev Sys by setting every 1min/5 mins.

5.Criteria Configuration: This is preset for the Job Auto PayProcessing to get completed every 1 min ( as per our definition). at the back end.

6.Parameter Values: This can be entered wherever applicable for specification.

7.Last run date  & last Run time: These are the last run date & last run time of the scheduler.

Enter these two so that the job which is defined i.e., the AutoPay Processing starts getting updated from the last runtime & date so that we get the accurate result of the total salary incurred till to date & time.


We can also define & schedule jobs like Auto punch details & Auto leave details through this so that there is a constant updating of these details and can schedule to get the real-time information on these details at a specified time.


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