Checking setting is a useful feature when you require restrictions and warnings to be applied in any screen. Restrictions such Full Article…
Transaction Type
Transaction type is used to define various modes of transaction. Transactions may vary from local to international along with its Full Article…
Ice Import
Ice import is used to update the ice map settings configured by you to its respective source file. Fields & Full Article…
Ice Map
Ice Map is used for exporting and importing data from GoodBooks into other file formats for reference. Retrieving information in Full Article…
Designing Dynamic Reports
Reports are required to retrieve any information regarding the organization. This may be reports of all the employees in a Full Article…
Implementation Guidelines and Faq
1. What to include in monthly schedule? 2. What to include in weekly scheduele? 3. What to include in daily Full Article…
DB Server Setup
DB server setup is used to help you create a database server with its own username and password. You can Full Article…
Biztransaction Type – Batch/Lot & Pack
Batch/lot and pack configures the packing and batching details of stock. Fields & its description: Batch Details Required Details Full Article…
Biztransaction Type – Option
Extra options with respect to the usability of various fields can be configured in the option tab. Fields & Full Article…
Biztransaction Type – Tracking
Tracking tab of BizTransaction type can associate your organization along with tracking the process orĀ stock. Fields & its Full Article…