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DB Server Setup

DB server setup is used to help you create a database server with its own username and password. You can also create separate instances for this server. Keeping separate database instances is useful as it can act as a security cover between databases so that access is controlled. This means that some admins don’t get rights to certain databases.


Fields & its description:

  • Name of the Server

Enter the name of the database server to be created. This can also be the IP address of the server.

  • Type of database

Select the type of database from the given options, currently support is provided for MS SQL Server, so select this accordingly.

  • Instance

It is the software that manipulates the data in the database. Instance does this by opening the database. A database can be opened by more than one instance, however, an instance can open at the most one database. Enter the name of the instance in this field.

  • Username

Type any username that is relevant to your requirements.

  • Password

Enter a password to protect the database.

After entering the above details, click on the Add button to add this new database server. But before adding, you can also test this connection by clicking on the Test Connection button. This tests the availability of the server so that you can avoid conflicting with an already existing server.





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