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You are viewing an old revision of this post, from February 14, 2019 @ 14:42:21. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Activity Server Installation and Configuration


1.Required Files

(For copy Please download here)
  1. Activity Server Files (Version No:  apache-tomcat-6.0.36)
  2. JDK Files  (Version No.  jdk1.8.0_181)
  3. Activity Database

2.Activity Server Installation and Starting

1. Copy and paste the Activiti Setup. 2. Open the file "..\ActivitiWorkflow\apache-tomcat-6.0.36\webapps\activiti-explorer\WEB-INF\classes\db.properties" and change the property based on ur DB. (update the required database and password) 3. Open the file "..\ActivitiWorkflow\apache-tomcat-6.0.36\webapps\activiti-rest\WEB-INF\classes\db.properties" and change the property based on ur DB. (update the required database and password) 4. Run The Activiti using "..\ActivitiWorkflow\apache-tomcat-6.0.36\bin" startup.bat If there is error message on catalina, then do the following steps - Install latest jdk - Open environment variable create a new system variable with name JAVE_HOME and set JDK installed path Example: C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_21 6. Create a new user variable with Name: CATALINA_HOME and path C:\ActivitiWorkflow\apache-tomcat-6.0.36 7. After that Activiti will be running then use the http://machineip:8080/activiti-explorer/ for browsing and update the same in Gb4SolutionCommonweb.config 8. Login into Activiti in your browser using Username: kermit and Password: kermit 9. Create Three User in Manage>>User namely "admin", "rejected", "resend" and made this user for all the groups. 10. Identify the User in Muser for approver and create the same user in activiti as per the user code.. 11. Login into admin user in work flow and Upload the Masterworkflow.bpmn file in Manage>>Deployment>>Upload New by editing the file "Masterworkflow.bpmn"(Change "activiti:assignee") 12. Make Entry in WorkFlowSettings Screen. Admin Module in Our DashBoard. Example : For Purchaseorder  Menutype: Transaction, Module: purchase, Classname: purchase, isactive: checked, webservice: POST MMHead, Eventtype:WorkedDays  

3. Standard User Creation (Admin, resend, rejected)

1. Go to server by typing activity url (usually it is like (Server URL:portnumber\activity-explorer) (Port number which you have assigned for activity server) (Otherwise Please find this url in services folder\config folder\ Gb4SolutionCommonweb.config file \ Key number "ActivitiRestUrl". In that upto port number you take and add this letter '\activity-explorer'. After that copy this url and paste it on browser) 2. check login page is loaded 3. type kermit as username and password 4. click login 5. Click manage tab 6. click user button 7. click create user 8. type dbname..admin name id text box (for example your db name is unisoft then type UNISOFT..ADMIN) 9. type password, firstname 10. in the same way create following users DBNAME..resend (name and password both are same) DBNAME..rejected (name and password both are same) 11. Select the admin user add all group by pressing 12. Log out

3.Bpmn file creation based on role/employee code

  1. download sample file  here
  2. Before creating Bpmn file be sure what type of Bpmn file you are going to create
  • 1. Is it User based
  • 2. Is it role based
  • 3.Is it employee based

4. Checking Activity Server Working or not

  1. type (Server URL:portnumber\activity-explorer) (Port number which you have assigned for activity server)
  2. check login page is loaded
  3. type kermit as username and password
  4. click login . If it is logged then it is working.


Revision Differences

February 14, 2019 @ 14:42:21Current Revision
Unchanged: <h2>1.Required Files</h2>Unchanged: <h2>1.Required Files</h2>
Unchanged: (For copy Please download here)Unchanged: (For copy Please download here)
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li>Activity Server Files (Version No:  apache- tomcat-6.0.36)</li>Unchanged: <li>Activity Server Files (Version No:  apache- tomcat-6.0.36)</li>
Deleted: <li>JDK Files  (Version No. jdk1.8.0_181jdk1.8.0_181)</li> Added: <li>JDK Files  (Version No.  jdk1.8.0_181)</li>
Deleted: <li>activity Database</li> Added: <li>Activity Database</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: <h2>2.Activity Server Installation and Starting</h2>Unchanged: <h2>2.Activity Server Installation and Starting</h2>
 Added: 1. Copy and paste the Activiti Setup.
 Added: 2. Open the file "..\ActivitiWorkflow\apache- tomcat-6.0.36\webapps\activiti- explorer\WEB- INF\classes\db.properties"
 Added: and change the property based on ur DB. (update the required database and password)
 Added: 3. Open the file "..\ActivitiWorkflow\apache- tomcat-6.0.36\webapps\activiti- rest\WEB-INF\classes\db.properties" and
 Added: change the property based on ur DB. (update the required database and password)
 Added: 4. Run The Activiti using "..\ActivitiWorkflow\apache- tomcat-6.0.36\bin" startup.bat
 Added: If there is error message on catalina, then do the following steps
 Added: - Install latest jdk
 Added: - Open environment variable create a new system variable with name JAVE_HOME and set JDK installed path
 Added: Example: C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_21
 Added: 6. Create a new user variable with Name: CATALINA_HOME and path C:\ActivitiWorkflow\apache- tomcat-6.0.36
 Added: 7. After that Activiti will be running then use the http://machineip: 8080/activiti-explorer/ for browsing and update the
 Added: same in Gb4SolutionCommonweb.config
 Added: 8. Login into Activiti in your browser using Username: kermit and Password: kermit
 Added: 9. Create Three User in Manage&gt;&gt;User namely "admin", "rejected", "resend" and made this user for all the groups.
 Added: 10. Identify the User in Muser for approver and create the same user in activiti as per the user code..
 Added: 11. Login into admin user in work flow and Upload the Masterworkflow.bpmn file in Manage&gt;&gt; Deployment&gt;&gt;Upload
 Added: New by editing the file "Masterworkflow.bpmn"(Change "activiti:assignee")
 Added: 12. Make Entry in WorkFlowSettings Screen. Admin Module in Our DashBoard.
 Added: Example : For Purchaseorder  Menutype: Transaction, Module: purchase, Classname: purchase, isactive:
 Added: checked, webservice: POST MMHead, Eventtype:WorkedDays
 Added: &nbsp;
Unchanged: <h2>3. Standard User Creation (Admin, resend, rejected)</h2>Unchanged: <h2>3. Standard User Creation (Admin, resend, rejected)</h2>
Unchanged: 1. Go to server by typing activity url (usually it is like (Server URL:portnumber\activity-explorer) (Port number which you have assigned for activity server) (Otherwise Please find this url in services folder\config folder\ Gb4SolutionCommonweb.config file \ Key number "ActivitiRestUrl". In that upto port number you take and add this letter '\activity-explorer'. After that copy this url and paste it on browser)Unchanged: 1. Go to server by typing activity url (usually it is like (Server URL:portnumber\activity-explorer) (Port number which you have assigned for activity server) (Otherwise Please find this url in services folder\config folder\ Gb4SolutionCommonweb.config file \ Key number "ActivitiRestUrl". In that upto port number you take and add this letter '\activity-explorer'. After that copy this url and paste it on browser)
Unchanged: 2. check login page is loadedUnchanged: 2. check login page is loaded
Unchanged: 3. type kermit as username and passwordUnchanged: 3. type kermit as username and password
Unchanged: 4. click loginUnchanged: 4. click login
Unchanged: 5. Click manage tabUnchanged: 5. Click manage tab
Unchanged: 6. click user buttonUnchanged: 6. click user button
Unchanged: 7. click create userUnchanged: 7. click create user
Unchanged: 8. type dbname..admin name id text box (for example your db name is unisoft then type UNISOFT..ADMIN)Unchanged: 8. type dbname..admin name id text box (for example your db name is unisoft then type UNISOFT..ADMIN)
Unchanged: 9. type password, firstnameUnchanged: 9. type password, firstname
Unchanged: 10. in the same way create following users DBNAME..resend (name and password both are same) DBNAME..rejected (name and password both are same)Unchanged: 10. in the same way create following users DBNAME..resend (name and password both are same) DBNAME..rejected (name and password both are same)
Unchanged: 11. Select the admin user add all group by pressingUnchanged: 11. Select the admin user add all group by pressing
Unchanged: 12. Log outUnchanged: 12. Log out
Unchanged: <h2>3.Bpmn file creation based on role/employee code</h2>Unchanged: <h2>3.Bpmn file creation based on role/employee code</h2>
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li>download sample file  here</li>Unchanged: <li>download sample file  here</li>
Unchanged: <li>Before creating Bpmn file be sure what type of Bpmn file you are going to create</li>Unchanged: <li>Before creating Bpmn file be sure what type of Bpmn file you are going to create</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>1. Is it User based</li>Unchanged: <li>1. Is it User based</li>
Unchanged: <li>2. Is it role based</li>Unchanged: <li>2. Is it role based</li>
Unchanged: <li>3.Is it employee based</li>Unchanged: <li>3.Is it employee based</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: <h2>4. Checking Activity Server Working or not</h2>Unchanged: <h2>4. Checking Activity Server Working or not</h2>
Unchanged: <ol>Unchanged: <ol>
Unchanged: <li>type (Server URL:portnumber\activity-explorer) (Port number which you have assigned for activity server)</li>Unchanged: <li>type (Server URL:portnumber\activity-explorer) (Port number which you have assigned for activity server)</li>
Unchanged: <li>check login page is loaded</li>Unchanged: <li>check login page is loaded</li>
Unchanged: <li>type kermit as username and password</li>Unchanged: <li>type kermit as username and password</li>
Unchanged: <li>click login . If it is logged then it is working.</li>Unchanged: <li>click login . If it is logged then it is working.</li>
Unchanged: </ol>Unchanged: </ol>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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