Item Master is the central repository of information regarding materials that are handled in the enterprise. GoodBooks item master is comprehensive and powerful. It is also extendible as per requirement.
Various details regarding item are specified here. These details are used for both analysis and operation control. It is therefore very important that the entries and details given are accurate. It is essential that you document your requirements and understand the features of the software before planning the list of items.
GoodBooks tracks the items using codes. Each unique Stock-Keeping-Unit (SKU) or distinct variant, which needs to be tracked separately, should be allotted a unique code. Planning the codification pattern for your enterprise is an important activity. This should be done with utmost care and planning. Please refer to section on Chart-of-item for a detailed description. Discuss with your implementation consultant for any clarification.
This section explains the feature level and field level details in the screen. Some of the fields require additional information specific feature. These features are explained in separate section and reference is made. Some of the features may not be applicable for your enterprise. Please ignore which ever is not relevant to you.
- May 8, 2014 @ 05:34:26 [Current Revision] by vv
- May 8, 2014 @ 05:34:17 by vv
- May 8, 2014 @ 05:34:12 by vv
- May 8, 2014 @ 05:33:28 by vv