Extra hours worked by the employee, is called Overtime. The Shift time, maximum in any organization will be 9 hours to 10 hours. But when the employee who has worked overtime, maybe an extra hour or two hours, that is calculated as overtime.
Per month is mentioned as Period in the table, where the number represents the number of days the employee has worked.
In that number of days, how many hours the employee has worked, in turn, the OT hours should be calculated against the worked hours, for example, when worked after work hours from 7: 00 PM to 10:00 PM as said about the extra work hours the employee has contributed, the total sum will be extra 3 hours which will be as Overtime calculated hours worked.
This extra 3 hours worked overtime, according to it, the Overtime amount will be calculated. The decision from the organization provided for OT Calculated hours, can be 100%, 150% or it can also be 200%, based on their Policy.
Earlier, we discussed the period, that is, in the month the number of days. Here the
Date – specifically states on which date the employee has worked. The previous screen, it showed the month the employee has worked Overtime, in this tab, the date shows on which exact date the employee has worked overtime.
From & To – Represents the overtime hours, either before the shift timing, or after the shift timing.
OT Hours – Total overtime hours on that particular day. The employee who contributed extra hours against the shift timings. Earlier in the intro, we saw the difference in hours
Factor% – As we said earlier the % is under the decision of the organization to provide 100%, 150% or it can also be 200%, based on their Policy. The influence shared or provided to the overtime allocation the employee is contributing, which is based on the hour of work after shift hours, will be considered overtime with certain benefits from the Organization end, it is mostly monetary benefit.
- Each employee type, the organization fixes a percentage on the overtime amount, for example
- The staff who works for an extra two hours and the % factor is given 100 %, so the OT factor calculated as 2 hours, the same is for 4 hours, where the OT factor is given 200%, therefore the OT factor hour will be 8 hours.
- When it comes to a trainee, the organization hasn’t sanctioned any Factor% or work hours, so the output will be considered 0 OT factor hours.
- The overtime the employee shows is for two hours, and the organization can sanction Rs 100 per hour basis, so totally the employee is benefited from RS 200 for overtime.
OT Calculated Hours
In simple terms, the total number of hours the employee has contributed for the Overtime work apart from the normal shift hours. This hour relies on the day, from and to time the employee has worked.
- April 13, 2020 @ 12:12:39 [Current Revision] by admin
- April 13, 2020 @ 12:12:39 by admin
- April 13, 2020 @ 12:11:44 [Autosave] by admin
- April 9, 2020 @ 15:31:21 by admin