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Revision 6667 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Analytics Module
New Screen has been developed
  • KPI screen has been developed
kpimaster Path to check:Analytics > Master > KPI > KPI
New Screen has been developed
  • KPI Posting screen has been developed
kpiposting Path to check:Analytics > Others > KPI Posting
CRM Module
New field has been added
  • Copy From option screen has been added in WorkType screen
worktype Path to check:CRM > Master > WorkType
Admin Module
New Screen has been added
  • Dataware House Posting screen has been developed
datawarehouseposting Path to check:Admin > Option > Dataware House Posting
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced Bugs-Resolved: 14866 Issue in Login in WHALE 14843 BOM screen - Message spelling mistake 14824 Loading Slip Document printing Query is Wrong 14823 Work order transaction quantity and Work order report quantity mismatch 14820 PO Ammendment Problem 14813 LOADING SHEET 14810 LOADING SHEET 14754 Delivery 14736 Costing Module / Setting screen 14721 Correction in SQ 14720 Corrections in SC Order 14719 Corrections in DC JJ 14718 Correctioins in PO 14709 Marketing Module / Expense Claim screen 14707 Forecast not able to save-Error 14705 Deliveyr Plan Generated by Using Select All option and save Booking is generated but Tmmdetail Delvier qty not updated 14686 Stock Batch Posting if Reference number is null the it is not working 14682 OPENING BALANCE NOT ABLE TO CHANGE & NEW OPENING BALANCE NOT ABLE TO GIVEN - REG 14681 Total Qty value will include Qty column value also 14674 Bugs in contact screen ** after changes address in partywithbranch master is showing EMPTY** 14656 Aug Arrear Calculation error 14649 Loading Sheet Document printing 14640 Issue in subcontract min 14638 Issue in Multiple subcontract forms loading In order or Dc 14547 workroder production entry issue 14541 stock position summary report-Category wise advance filter option not working 14539 Store wise stock position summary report error 14480 Account Posting not showing for the document already saved 14468 PRODUCTION RESOURCE ASSIGNING OUT TIME IN BLANK FILE - REG 14366 Issue in Ncr Report 14322 Inward not maching to 14223 WO Production detail register report error 14187 Sales and Purchase voucher screens - used document for update 14116 Sales Analysies report issue 13851 Employees Master Address and Contact details 13377 Pagination Issue Count is changing while clicking next page in View 12024 Customer bill passing - Issue - Pls refer the attachment 11931 Master demand schedule report changes ==================================================================== Bugs-closed: 14864 Delivery Plan 14808 Payroll Module / Payrevision for Payconfiguration screen 14807 Item Master screen 14803 Release - / BOM screen 14759 Report:Asset Deduction Register 14758 Report:Asset Type Checklist 14738 Resource name not coming during resource assigning 14727 TDS duplication occurred in Account posting lightbox 14722 purchase order saving error-18 issues found 14712 Unable to save non stadard work order 14708 MPS running Error 14693 MMTransaction screens - while save 14691 If Delivery Plan use Change Other OU then Delivery Qty should not update it is need to update only Delivery OU 14690 While Make Loadign Sheet with Bill and Delivery is Different with Sales Item and Exchange Item 14680 Only Pending and Unloaded document number to show in Loading Sheet Document number selection Piclist 14569 Accounts Module / Insurance Master screen 14519 After unloading the Salem Tripsheet(Manifest) in Erode, the particular Tripsheet(Manifest) not coming in the Salem branch. 13885 Location showing erreo-reg 13823 Subcontract Order screen 13754 Receivable ageing report - reg 13712 difference in closing balance from two statments - Out standing report and ledger statement 13423 grey fab bill pass (grey inspection correction) 12908 attendance Vs booking report error 12816 Document seletion and load from previous document 12101 Actual cost not matching 10166 Option:Payment 9358 CR -6543 missing ===================================================================== Task:Resolved 14822 Reports not generated in Marketing module reg 14799 PAPIMP24 14797 PAPIMP22 14796 PAPIMP21 14790 PAPIMP15 14781 ICE IMPORT 14771 Loading sheet 14687 If Biztransaction Type Delivery Type set as Vehicle and Stock Post Type is Yes Then System Should Allow to save With out stock 14684 TOTAL FOR BASIC AMOUNT MARK FILE - REG 14679 Import Purchase order print 14655 Account Master Transaction Error 14635 tax/duty information flowing to MM Transaction screen should be from itemou 14631 screen adjustment to show more items at a time 14578 sales invoice - searching the item should not consider special symbols 14574 Copy option required in Work Type Screen 14512 Party OU level required like ITEMOU 14465 Warrenty invoice shown in customer ledger - reg 14429 Production Wip stock Report need Next Workorder Number 12565 Load Pack 11091 Point in Leave Request screen 11032 changes in WorkOrder WorkBench screen 10094 Bank uploading statement/file 9815 Supplier rejection / Scrap Consolidated report 9803 Price Entry Register - New Items ===================================================================== Task:closed 14778 Purchase Schedule Generation 14583 In Unloading Screen columns needed as in loading sheet 14566 Delivery Plan Features by Arun Sir PBS 13575 SALES INVOICE QUANTITY UOM DECEIMAL ADDED ERROR FILE - REG 10126 Insrtument Logic correction 9184 Change message used generate multiple workorders from nesting



Revision Differences

October 4, 2016 @ 07:31:34Current Revision
Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
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Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">
Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #00664d; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #00664d; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>
Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6699; color: #000000;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6699; color: #000000;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">Analytics Module</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">Analytics Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screen has been developedUnchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screen has been developed
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li> KPI screen has been developed</li>Unchanged: <li> KPI screen has been developed</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/10/KPIMASTER.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ KPIMASTER.png" alt="kpimaster" width="1366" height="768" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6663" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/10/KPIMASTER.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ KPIMASTER.png" alt="kpimaster" width="1366" height="768" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6663" /></a>
Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Analytics &gt; Master &gt; KPI &gt; KPI</em>Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Analytics &gt; Master &gt; KPI &gt; KPI</em>
 Added: </td>
 Added: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: <table width="1022">
 Added: <tbody>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screen has been developed
 Added: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
 Added: </strong></span>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li> KPI Posting screen has been developed</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/10/kpiposting.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ kpiposting.png" alt="kpiposting" width="1366" height="768" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6672" /></a>
 Added: <em>Path to check:Analytics &gt; Others &gt; KPI Posting</em>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #66ccff; color: #000000;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #66ccff; color: #000000;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">CRM Module</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">CRM Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New field has been addedUnchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New field has been added
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li> Copy From option screen has been added in WorkType screen</li>Unchanged: <li> Copy From option screen has been added in WorkType screen</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/10/worktype.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ worktype.png" alt="worktype" width="1366" height="768" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6665" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/10/worktype.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ worktype.png" alt="worktype" width="1366" height="768" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6665" /></a>
Unchanged: <em>Path to check:CRM &gt; Master &gt; WorkType</em>Unchanged: <em>Path to check:CRM &gt; Master &gt; WorkType</em>
 Added: </td>
 Added: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: </td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: </td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: </td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff8c1a; color: #000000;" width="100%">
 Added: <tbody>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">Admin Module</td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
 Added: <table width="1022">
 Added: <tbody>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screen has been added
 Added: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
 Added: </strong></span>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li> Dataware House Posting screen has been developed</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/10/datawarehouseposting.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ datawarehouseposting.png" alt="datawarehouseposting" width="1366" height="768" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6673" /></a>
 Added: <em>Path to check:Admin &gt; Option &gt; Dataware House Posting</em>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6699; color: #000000;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6699; color: #000000;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #000000;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced </strong></span>Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #000000; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced </strong></span>
Unchanged: Bugs-Resolved:Unchanged: Bugs-Resolved:
Unchanged: 14866 Issue in Login in WHALEUnchanged: 14866 Issue in Login in WHALE
Unchanged: 14843 BOM screen - Message spelling mistakeUnchanged: 14843 BOM screen - Message spelling mistake
Unchanged: 14824 Loading Slip Document printing Query is WrongUnchanged: 14824 Loading Slip Document printing Query is Wrong
Unchanged: 14823 Work order transaction quantity and Work order report quantity mismatchUnchanged: 14823 Work order transaction quantity and Work order report quantity mismatch
Unchanged: 14820 PO Ammendment ProblemUnchanged: 14820 PO Ammendment Problem
Unchanged: 14813 LOADING SHEETUnchanged: 14813 LOADING SHEET
Unchanged: 14810 LOADING SHEETUnchanged: 14810 LOADING SHEET
Unchanged: 14754 DeliveryUnchanged: 14754 Delivery
Unchanged: 14736 Costing Module / Setting screen Unchanged: 14736 Costing Module / Setting screen
Unchanged: 14721 Correction in SQUnchanged: 14721 Correction in SQ
Unchanged: 14720 Corrections in SC OrderUnchanged: 14720 Corrections in SC Order
Unchanged: 14719 Corrections in DC JJUnchanged: 14719 Corrections in DC JJ
Unchanged: 14718 Correctioins in POUnchanged: 14718 Correctioins in PO
Unchanged: 14709 Marketing Module / Expense Claim screen Unchanged: 14709 Marketing Module / Expense Claim screen
Unchanged: 14707 Forecast not able to save-ErrorUnchanged: 14707 Forecast not able to save-Error
Unchanged: 14705 Deliveyr Plan Generated by Using Select All option and save Booking is generated but Tmmdetail Delvier qty not updatedUnchanged: 14705 Deliveyr Plan Generated by Using Select All option and save Booking is generated but Tmmdetail Delvier qty not updated
Unchanged: 14686 Stock Batch Posting if Reference number is null the it is not workingUnchanged: 14686 Stock Batch Posting if Reference number is null the it is not working
Unchanged: 14681 Total Qty value will include Qty column value also Unchanged: 14681 Total Qty value will include Qty column value also
Unchanged: 14674 Bugs in contact screen ** after changes address in partywithbranch master is showing EMPTY**Unchanged: 14674 Bugs in contact screen ** after changes address in partywithbranch master is showing EMPTY**
Unchanged: 14656 Aug Arrear Calculation errorUnchanged: 14656 Aug Arrear Calculation error
Unchanged: 14649 Loading Sheet Document printingUnchanged: 14649 Loading Sheet Document printing
Unchanged: 14640 Issue in subcontract minUnchanged: 14640 Issue in subcontract min
Unchanged: 14638 Issue in Multiple subcontract forms loading In order or Dc Unchanged: 14638 Issue in Multiple subcontract forms loading In order or Dc
Unchanged: 14547 workroder production entry issueUnchanged: 14547 workroder production entry issue
Unchanged: 14541 stock position summary report-Category wise advance filter option not workingUnchanged: 14541 stock position summary report-Category wise advance filter option not working
Unchanged: 14539 Store wise stock position summary report errorUnchanged: 14539 Store wise stock position summary report error
Unchanged: 14480 Account Posting not showing for the document already savedUnchanged: 14480 Account Posting not showing for the document already saved
Unchanged: 14366 Issue in Ncr Report Unchanged: 14366 Issue in Ncr Report
Unchanged: 14322 Inward not maching to Unchanged: 14322 Inward not maching to
Unchanged: 14223 WO Production detail register report errorUnchanged: 14223 WO Production detail register report error
Unchanged: 14187 Sales and Purchase voucher screens - used document for update Unchanged: 14187 Sales and Purchase voucher screens - used document for update
Unchanged: 14116 Sales Analysies report issueUnchanged: 14116 Sales Analysies report issue
Unchanged: 13851 Employees Master Address and Contact detailsUnchanged: 13851 Employees Master Address and Contact details
Unchanged: 13377 Pagination Issue Count is changing while clicking next page in ViewUnchanged: 13377 Pagination Issue Count is changing while clicking next page in View
Unchanged: 12024 Customer bill passing - Issue - Pls refer the attachmentUnchanged: 12024 Customer bill passing - Issue - Pls refer the attachment
Unchanged: 11931 Master demand schedule report changesUnchanged: 11931 Master demand schedule report changes
Unchanged: ============= ============= ============ ============= =================Unchanged: ============= ============= ============ ============= =================
Unchanged: Bugs-closed:Unchanged: Bugs-closed:
Unchanged: 14864 Delivery PlanUnchanged: 14864 Delivery Plan
Unchanged: 14808 Payroll Module / Payrevision for Payconfiguration screen Unchanged: 14808 Payroll Module / Payrevision for Payconfiguration screen
Unchanged: 14807 Item Master screenUnchanged: 14807 Item Master screen
Unchanged: 14803 Release - / BOM screenUnchanged: 14803 Release - / BOM screen
Unchanged: 14759 Report:Asset Deduction RegisterUnchanged: 14759 Report:Asset Deduction Register
Unchanged: 14758 Report:Asset Type ChecklistUnchanged: 14758 Report:Asset Type Checklist
Unchanged: 14738 Resource name not coming during resource assigning Unchanged: 14738 Resource name not coming during resource assigning
Unchanged: 14727 TDS duplication occurred in Account posting lightboxUnchanged: 14727 TDS duplication occurred in Account posting lightbox
Unchanged: 14722 purchase order saving error-18 issues foundUnchanged: 14722 purchase order saving error-18 issues found
Unchanged: 14712 Unable to save non stadard work orderUnchanged: 14712 Unable to save non stadard work order
Unchanged: 14708 MPS running ErrorUnchanged: 14708 MPS running Error
Unchanged: 14693 MMTransaction screens - while save Unchanged: 14693 MMTransaction screens - while save
Unchanged: 14691 If Delivery Plan use Change Other OU then Delivery Qty should not update it is need to update only Delivery OUUnchanged: 14691 If Delivery Plan use Change Other OU then Delivery Qty should not update it is need to update only Delivery OU
Unchanged: 14690 While Make Loadign Sheet with Bill and Delivery is Different with Sales Item and Exchange ItemUnchanged: 14690 While Make Loadign Sheet with Bill and Delivery is Different with Sales Item and Exchange Item
Unchanged: 14680 Only Pending and Unloaded document number to show in Loading Sheet Document number selection PiclistUnchanged: 14680 Only Pending and Unloaded document number to show in Loading Sheet Document number selection Piclist
Unchanged: 14569 Accounts Module / Insurance Master screen Unchanged: 14569 Accounts Module / Insurance Master screen
Unchanged: 14519 After unloading the Salem Tripsheet(Manifest) in Erode, the particular Tripsheet(Manifest) not coming in the Salem branch.Unchanged: 14519 After unloading the Salem Tripsheet(Manifest) in Erode, the particular Tripsheet(Manifest) not coming in the Salem branch.
Unchanged: 13885 Location showing erreo-regUnchanged: 13885 Location showing erreo-reg
Unchanged: 13823 Subcontract Order screenUnchanged: 13823 Subcontract Order screen
Unchanged: 13754 Receivable ageing report - regUnchanged: 13754 Receivable ageing report - reg
Unchanged: 13712 difference in closing balance from two statments - Out standing report and ledger statement Unchanged: 13712 difference in closing balance from two statments - Out standing report and ledger statement
Unchanged: 13423 grey fab bill pass (grey inspection correction)Unchanged: 13423 grey fab bill pass (grey inspection correction)
Unchanged: 12908 attendance Vs booking report errorUnchanged: 12908 attendance Vs booking report error
Unchanged: 12816 Document seletion and load from previous documentUnchanged: 12816 Document seletion and load from previous document
Unchanged: 12101 Actual cost not matching Unchanged: 12101 Actual cost not matching
Unchanged: 10166 Option:PaymentUnchanged: 10166 Option:Payment
Unchanged: 9358 CR -6543 missingUnchanged: 9358 CR -6543 missing
Unchanged: ============= ============= ============ ============= ==================Unchanged: ============= ============= ============ ============= ==================
Unchanged: Task:ResolvedUnchanged: Task:Resolved
Unchanged: Unchanged:
Unchanged: 14822 Reports not generated in Marketing module reg Unchanged: 14822 Reports not generated in Marketing module reg
Unchanged: 14799 PAPIMP24 Unchanged: 14799 PAPIMP24
Unchanged: 14797 PAPIMP22 Unchanged: 14797 PAPIMP22
Unchanged: 14796 PAPIMP21 Unchanged: 14796 PAPIMP21
Unchanged: 14790 PAPIMP15 Unchanged: 14790 PAPIMP15
Unchanged: 14781 ICE IMPORT Unchanged: 14781 ICE IMPORT
Unchanged: 14771 Loading sheet Unchanged: 14771 Loading sheet
Unchanged: 14687 If Biztransaction Type Delivery Type set as Vehicle and Stock Post Type is Yes Then System Should Allow to save With out stock Unchanged: 14687 If Biztransaction Type Delivery Type set as Vehicle and Stock Post Type is Yes Then System Should Allow to save With out stock
Unchanged: 14679 Import Purchase order print Unchanged: 14679 Import Purchase order print
Unchanged: 14655 Account Master Transaction Error Unchanged: 14655 Account Master Transaction Error
Unchanged: 14635 tax/duty information flowing to MM Transaction screen should be from itemou Unchanged: 14635 tax/duty information flowing to MM Transaction screen should be from itemou
Unchanged: 14631 screen adjustment to show more items at a time Unchanged: 14631 screen adjustment to show more items at a time
Unchanged: 14578 sales invoice - searching the item should not consider special symbols Unchanged: 14578 sales invoice - searching the item should not consider special symbols
Unchanged: 14574 Copy option required in Work Type Screen Unchanged: 14574 Copy option required in Work Type Screen
Unchanged: 14512 Party OU level required like ITEMOU Unchanged: 14512 Party OU level required like ITEMOU
Unchanged: 14465 Warrenty invoice shown in customer ledger - reg Unchanged: 14465 Warrenty invoice shown in customer ledger - reg
Unchanged: 14429 Production Wip stock Report need Next Workorder Number Unchanged: 14429 Production Wip stock Report need Next Workorder Number
Unchanged: 12565 Load Pack Unchanged: 12565 Load Pack
Unchanged: 11091 Point in Leave Request screen Unchanged: 11091 Point in Leave Request screen
Unchanged: 11032 changes in WorkOrder WorkBench screen Unchanged: 11032 changes in WorkOrder WorkBench screen
Unchanged: 10094 Bank uploading statement/file Unchanged: 10094 Bank uploading statement/file
Unchanged: 9815 Supplier rejection / Scrap Consolidated report Unchanged: 9815 Supplier rejection / Scrap Consolidated report
Unchanged: 9803 Price Entry Register - New Items Unchanged: 9803 Price Entry Register - New Items
Unchanged: ============= ============= ============ ============= ==================Unchanged: ============= ============= ============ ============= ==================
Unchanged: Task:closedUnchanged: Task:closed
Unchanged: 14778 Purchase Schedule Generation Unchanged: 14778 Purchase Schedule Generation
Unchanged: 14583 In Unloading Screen columns needed as in loading sheet Unchanged: 14583 In Unloading Screen columns needed as in loading sheet
Unchanged: 14566 Delivery Plan Features by Arun Sir PBS Unchanged: 14566 Delivery Plan Features by Arun Sir PBS
Unchanged: 10126 Insrtument Logic correction Unchanged: 10126 Insrtument Logic correction
Unchanged: 9184 Change message used generate multiple workorders from nesting Unchanged: 9184 Change message used generate multiple workorders from nesting
Unchanged: Unchanged:
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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