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Revision 6618 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Costing Module
New Screen has been developed
  • Over Head Cost screen has been developed
OverHeadCost Path to check:Costing > Master >Over Head Cost
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced 14477-Stock valuation error 14475-FAM / Asset Master screen 14464-Remaining useful life not available and require list of entries made 14462-Report:Acquisition register - Document Number and Date is missing 14460-Report:Acquisition register 14459-Tatanagar-Double ledger 14457-Planning >>MRP Rundetails normal report serial numbers shows wrongly 14447-Receivable report error 14444-Production Module / StockAdjustment button 14442-Resource Assigning screen - End Time is displayed '0' 14441-Master Schedule Detail Posting Eror 14437-FAM / Asset Master screen ---> some mandatory fields validation missing 14428-MPS / MPR Run if any issue then it should be give message 14420-Item missing in the BOM expanded tree view 14419-VAT portion in Subcontract not come to VAT Annexure 14418-How to view Debit Note / Credit Note register 14417-Party Ledger and Party payable account not tally 14412-Data Validation Found message Sync completed 14410-SCREEN RATE DIFFERENCE TYPE NEED TO BE IDENTIFIED 14408-IN SALES PRICED CONTRACT AMENDMENT , LOAD OPTION NOT WORKING, " SYSTEM HAS CAUGHT NULL VALUE" IS SHOWN 14407-IN SUPLPLIMENTARY INVOICE WHEN PARTYWISE FILTER IS DONE FULL SALES DATA IS SHOWN 14406-IN SALES SUPPLIMENTARY NVOICE, FROM /TO DATE FULL DATA UNABLE TO LOAD (SHOWING ERROR) 14402-Gatepass Value total mistake and Gatepass print Issue 14397-Second & Third week Holiday -could not be created 14395-Logistic module not working 14369-Payement Document other than intercompnay voucher Bill No and date not coming 14366-Issue in Ncr Report 14364-Issue in NCR Screen 14363-Need drop down option for alloting locations for parts 14360-Logistic module enabled for Maintenance User. But not working properly. 14359-In GRN printout Rejected quantity & Remarks from quality to be added 14345-Document number showing in picklist 14344-Unable to save Entries in FAM 14330-Release - / WorkFlow checking for Active status 14325-Shipped To Party and PartyBranch id not posting in MM Transaction 14324-cheque printing alignment changed - Indian Bank 14322-Inward not maching to 14308-FAM Report - In Filter for the Location field the mapped parent is wrong 14290-Consolidated stock report-ok,w/f GRN,w/f Inspn 14285-FAM / Asset Depreciation - not able to save and update records 14284-Shortage report 14276-Accounts Voucher Entery with out Account posting 14275-Issue in Material Movement 14274-**************Issue in showing stock any screen ************************ 14264-Item Stock status Report needed 14263-Production Screen Correction 14260-Costing Module / Costing Center screen --> Invalid column name 'COSTID'. 14259-Costing Module / Costing Product screen 14258-Costing Module / Overall screen 14257-Costing Module / OULevel screen 14249-Costing Module / Fixed Addon field screens --> Invalid column name 'COSTID'. 14246-Costing Module / For all screens - The added ADDON fields are not coming in view 14245-resource punchin out erp error 14224-MPR ISSUE 14205-Issue in Subcontract bill passing updation 14204-Issue different and Message different 14185-Bill Allocation without Against bill number error thrown 14171-Production Module / Cutting Production screen 14170-Account statement screen and reports shows difference in values ( screen shows Cr balance, report shows Dr Balance) 14166-Issue in Resource Assigning 14137-Costing Module / Costing Periodic screens 14134-Pf Admin Charge Change 14130-unable to retrieve saved data in Asset master 14126-Asset acquisition report changes 14109-Costing Module / Costing Addon Setting screen - not able save records 14101-Mismatch between Reports 14039-Item Master Draft screen 14030-Issue in Production Entry Updation 14024-Asset Depreciation 13933-Point in Menuset Data Collection 13880-Issue in Tds Deduction for labour charges 13856-In Document Print Screen - We need Party picklist, DocumentDate From and To fields required 13818-Subcontract and Jobwork - Trouble in stock display in grid 13763-Wrong disply in Bank book, ledger 13605-Routing Register Report Consolidated 13536-PO-MIN and SC-MIN Party reference needs to Mandatory 13500-Unable to delete production entry 13223-Contract Agreement - Issue 12934-Location Master Needed 12454-Routing Report- Item Wise 12269-Multiple work orders generated for a single stage and single indent 12048-view setting option in report view 11579-Report requirement with extra details 11264-Particulars lightbox 8732-Credit limit setting in Party master 14458-DB Creation 14453-Master Schedule Source Type posted Wrong 14452-Class order and Command order is Wrong 14436-FAM / Asset Master screen - for continuous save records missing 14431-Routing Deleted 14427-Release - / Periodic Overall and OULevel screens 14426-Release - / Periodic MultiEmployee screen 14425-Release - / Periodic DAGroup screen 14424-Release - / Payment voucher screen 14422-Release - / Role-Menu screen 14421-Release - / Production Module / Bill Of Resource screen is missing 14415-BOM - not fetching details from partmaster - Release 41 14404-FAM / Asset Master screen 14399-Invoice Transfer from one OU to other OU 14396-transcation problem 14394-Release issue 41 14392-Report not generated 14388-Copy name is not printing in subcontract dc 14379-duties not loading from Itemparty Details 14375-TODO lightbox screen - not able to save records 14374-MMDAL latest 14373-Additional Freight in Line Item - Oxyfuel Invoice Mumbai 2 14367-FAM / Asset Master screen 14355-Costing / Setting screen 14354-FAM / Asset Master screen 14353-FAM / Asset Transaction screens 14343-WorkOrderProduction / Stoppage lightbox 14341-Payroll Module / Leave Application screen 14339-WorkOrderProduction screen - Stoppage lightbox 14329-Release - / PartyBranch Address lightbox screen 14328-Release - Admin Module / BIZTransactionType screen 14315-Status Register 14314-supplementary Invoice Loading 14278-Issue in Scheduler updation 14268-Delivery Plan need to load only 14267-Sales Invoice Save 14265-Sales Invocie save Error 14261-Delivery Plan Points 14252-Cutting Production screen - From Store and To Store fields are disabled not able to change stores 14251-Admin Module / Organization Unit screen 14248-Costing Module / Costing AddOn Setting screen - while retrieve 'DataType' field is empty 14207-shortage should be shown before work order release when production qty and item part no given tentatively 14202-EventtypeAction saving error 14191-OUWise Stock Report Needed 14179-MRP run error 14151-MRP In progress Stock detail report needed 14150-MRP Schedule Receipt detail Report needed 14125-Errors in FAM Testing 14053-Passing Period filter in doc printing lightbox biztransactiontype picklist 14013-In TDS Register - Account filter picklist not working 14009-sale order document charge error 14008-Adding Biztype and PeriodType in purchase order print while saving 14005-Loading Sheet document printing Report 14004-Pickslip Document printing report 13994-Check for Input, Output,Waste Type fill in MM Grid 13989-Batch Serial number 13985-Deliver Plan Screen corrections 13917-Inter Company Voucher Save need Correction 13897-Subcontract Order screen 13873-Relogin is not working in Online Server 13822-Subcontract MIN and Inspection 13743-Point in Routing Screen 13484-MM Transaction with Lot and Packing 13402- Miscellaneous Purchase-AccountPosting 13095-Insurance Master 13057-ECN DOCUMENT PRINTING 13043-ECR Not Saved 12944-Logistic Module Correction 12722-In DeliveryGatepass, user can cancel the current date deliveryrunnumber only. It should not allowed the user to cancel the backdated Gatepasses 12659-Issue in Group Name printing in papl day book 12637-Stock Ledger to Stock Position Trigger 12403-While sync VWALLOCATION is dopped 12205-FAM - INSURENECE SCREEN NOT OPENING 10530-Tool Maintenance If BreakDown done before PM Schedule Date,PM Should not allow to PM 9799-Pending sub contractor value is not showing the material value and also the ageing details



Revision Differences

August 30, 2016 @ 05:57:41Current Revision
Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">
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Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>
Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6600; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6600; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Costing Module</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Costing Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screenhas been developed Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screen has been developed
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Over Head Cost screen has been developed</li>Unchanged: <li>Over Head Cost screen has been developed</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/08/OverHeadCost.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ OverHeadCost.png" alt="OverHeadCost" width="1920" height="1040" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6617" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/08/OverHeadCost.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ OverHeadCost.png" alt="OverHeadCost" width="1920" height="1040" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6617" /></a>
Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Costing &gt; Master &gt;Over Head Cost</em>Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Costing &gt; Master &gt;Over Head Cost</em>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #006600; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #006600; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced </strong></span>Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced </strong></span>
Unchanged: 14477-Stock valuation errorUnchanged: 14477-Stock valuation error
Unchanged: 14475-FAM / Asset Master screenUnchanged: 14475-FAM / Asset Master screen
Unchanged: 14464-Remaining useful life not available and require list of entries madeUnchanged: 14464-Remaining useful life not available and require list of entries made
Unchanged: 14462-Report:Acquisition register - Document Number and Date is missingUnchanged: 14462-Report:Acquisition register - Document Number and Date is missing
Unchanged: 14460-Report:Acquisition registerUnchanged: 14460-Report:Acquisition register
Unchanged: 14459-Tatanagar-Double ledgerUnchanged: 14459-Tatanagar-Double ledger
Unchanged: 14457-Planning &gt;&gt;MRP Rundetails normal report serial numbers shows wronglyUnchanged: 14457-Planning &gt;&gt;MRP Rundetails normal report serial numbers shows wrongly
Unchanged: 14447-Receivable report errorUnchanged: 14447-Receivable report error
Unchanged: 14444-Production Module / StockAdjustment buttonUnchanged: 14444-Production Module / StockAdjustment button
Unchanged: 14442-Resource Assigning screen - End Time is displayed '0'Unchanged: 14442-Resource Assigning screen - End Time is displayed '0'
Unchanged: 14441-Master Schedule Detail Posting ErorUnchanged: 14441-Master Schedule Detail Posting Eror
Unchanged: 14437-FAM / Asset Master screen ---&gt; some mandatory fields validation missingUnchanged: 14437-FAM / Asset Master screen ---&gt; some mandatory fields validation missing
Unchanged: 14428-MPS / MPR Run if any issue then it should be give messageUnchanged: 14428-MPS / MPR Run if any issue then it should be give message
Unchanged: 14420-Item missing in the BOM expanded tree viewUnchanged: 14420-Item missing in the BOM expanded tree view
Unchanged: 14419-VAT portion in Subcontract not come to VAT AnnexureUnchanged: 14419-VAT portion in Subcontract not come to VAT Annexure
Unchanged: 14418-How to view Debit Note / Credit Note registerUnchanged: 14418-How to view Debit Note / Credit Note register
Unchanged: 14417-Party Ledger and Party payable account not tallyUnchanged: 14417-Party Ledger and Party payable account not tally
Unchanged: 14412-Data Validation Found message Sync completedUnchanged: 14412-Data Validation Found message Sync completed
Unchanged: 14402-Gatepass Value total mistake and Gatepass print IssueUnchanged: 14402-Gatepass Value total mistake and Gatepass print Issue
Unchanged: 14397-Second &amp; Third week Holiday -could not be createdUnchanged: 14397-Second &amp; Third week Holiday -could not be created
Unchanged: 14395-Logistic module not workingUnchanged: 14395-Logistic module not working
Unchanged: 14369-Payement Document other than intercompnay voucher Bill No and date not comingUnchanged: 14369-Payement Document other than intercompnay voucher Bill No and date not coming
Unchanged: 14366-Issue in Ncr ReportUnchanged: 14366-Issue in Ncr Report
Unchanged: 14364-Issue in NCR ScreenUnchanged: 14364-Issue in NCR Screen
Unchanged: 14363-Need drop down option for alloting locations for partsUnchanged: 14363-Need drop down option for alloting locations for parts
Unchanged: 14360-Logistic module enabled for Maintenance User. But not working properly.Unchanged: 14360-Logistic module enabled for Maintenance User. But not working properly.
Unchanged: 14359-In GRN printout Rejected quantity &amp; Remarks from quality to be addedUnchanged: 14359-In GRN printout Rejected quantity &amp; Remarks from quality to be added
Unchanged: 14345-Document number showing in picklistUnchanged: 14345-Document number showing in picklist
Unchanged: 14344-Unable to save Entries in FAMUnchanged: 14344-Unable to save Entries in FAM
Unchanged: 14330-Release - / WorkFlow checking for Active statusUnchanged: 14330-Release - / WorkFlow checking for Active status
Unchanged: 14325-Shipped To Party and PartyBranch id not posting in MM TransactionUnchanged: 14325-Shipped To Party and PartyBranch id not posting in MM Transaction
Unchanged: 14324-cheque printing alignment changed - Indian BankUnchanged: 14324-cheque printing alignment changed - Indian Bank
Unchanged: 14322-Inward not maching toUnchanged: 14322-Inward not maching to
Unchanged: 14308-FAM Report - In Filter for the Location field the mapped parent is wrongUnchanged: 14308-FAM Report - In Filter for the Location field the mapped parent is wrong
Unchanged: 14290-Consolidated stock report-ok,w/f GRN,w/f InspnUnchanged: 14290-Consolidated stock report-ok,w/f GRN,w/f Inspn
Unchanged: 14285-FAM / Asset Depreciation - not able to save and update recordsUnchanged: 14285-FAM / Asset Depreciation - not able to save and update records
Unchanged: 14284-Shortage reportUnchanged: 14284-Shortage report
Unchanged: 14276-Accounts Voucher Entery with out Account postingUnchanged: 14276-Accounts Voucher Entery with out Account posting
Unchanged: 14275-Issue in Material MovementUnchanged: 14275-Issue in Material Movement
Unchanged: 14274-**************Issue in showing stock any screen ************************Unchanged: 14274-**************Issue in showing stock any screen ************************
Unchanged: 14264-Item Stock status Report neededUnchanged: 14264-Item Stock status Report needed
Unchanged: 14263-Production Screen CorrectionUnchanged: 14263-Production Screen Correction
Unchanged: 14260-Costing Module / Costing Center screen --&gt; Invalid column name 'COSTID'.Unchanged: 14260-Costing Module / Costing Center screen --&gt; Invalid column name 'COSTID'.
Unchanged: 14259-Costing Module / Costing Product screenUnchanged: 14259-Costing Module / Costing Product screen
Unchanged: 14258-Costing Module / Overall screenUnchanged: 14258-Costing Module / Overall screen
Unchanged: 14257-Costing Module / OULevel screenUnchanged: 14257-Costing Module / OULevel screen
Unchanged: 14249-Costing Module / Fixed Addon field screens --&gt; Invalid column name 'COSTID'.Unchanged: 14249-Costing Module / Fixed Addon field screens --&gt; Invalid column name 'COSTID'.
Unchanged: 14246-Costing Module / For all screens - The added ADDON fields are not coming in viewUnchanged: 14246-Costing Module / For all screens - The added ADDON fields are not coming in view
Unchanged: 14245-resource punchin out erp errorUnchanged: 14245-resource punchin out erp error
Unchanged: 14224-MPR ISSUEUnchanged: 14224-MPR ISSUE
Unchanged: 14205-Issue in Subcontract bill passing updationUnchanged: 14205-Issue in Subcontract bill passing updation
Unchanged: 14204-Issue different and Message differentUnchanged: 14204-Issue different and Message different
Unchanged: 14185-Bill Allocation without Against bill number error thrownUnchanged: 14185-Bill Allocation without Against bill number error thrown
Unchanged: 14171-Production Module / Cutting Production screenUnchanged: 14171-Production Module / Cutting Production screen
Unchanged: 14170-Account statement screen and reports shows difference in values ( screen shows Cr balance, report shows Dr Balance)Unchanged: 14170-Account statement screen and reports shows difference in values ( screen shows Cr balance, report shows Dr Balance)
Unchanged: 14166-Issue in Resource AssigningUnchanged: 14166-Issue in Resource Assigning
Unchanged: 14137-Costing Module / Costing Periodic screensUnchanged: 14137-Costing Module / Costing Periodic screens
Unchanged: 14134-Pf Admin Charge ChangeUnchanged: 14134-Pf Admin Charge Change
Unchanged: 14130-unable to retrieve saved data in Asset masterUnchanged: 14130-unable to retrieve saved data in Asset master
Unchanged: 14126-Asset acquisition report changesUnchanged: 14126-Asset acquisition report changes
Unchanged: 14109-Costing Module / Costing Addon Setting screen - not able save recordsUnchanged: 14109-Costing Module / Costing Addon Setting screen - not able save records
Unchanged: 14101-Mismatch between ReportsUnchanged: 14101-Mismatch between Reports
Unchanged: 14039-Item Master Draft screenUnchanged: 14039-Item Master Draft screen
Unchanged: 14030-Issue in Production Entry UpdationUnchanged: 14030-Issue in Production Entry Updation
Unchanged: 14024-Asset DepreciationUnchanged: 14024-Asset Depreciation
Unchanged: 13933-Point in Menuset Data CollectionUnchanged: 13933-Point in Menuset Data Collection
Unchanged: 13880-Issue in Tds Deduction for labour chargesUnchanged: 13880-Issue in Tds Deduction for labour charges
Unchanged: 13856-In Document Print Screen - We need Party picklist, DocumentDate From and To fields requiredUnchanged: 13856-In Document Print Screen - We need Party picklist, DocumentDate From and To fields required
Unchanged: 13818-Subcontract and Jobwork - Trouble in stock display in gridUnchanged: 13818-Subcontract and Jobwork - Trouble in stock display in grid
Unchanged: 13763-Wrong disply in Bank book, ledgerUnchanged: 13763-Wrong disply in Bank book, ledger
Unchanged: 13605-Routing Register Report ConsolidatedUnchanged: 13605-Routing Register Report Consolidated
Unchanged: 13536-PO-MIN and SC-MIN Party reference needs to MandatoryUnchanged: 13536-PO-MIN and SC-MIN Party reference needs to Mandatory
Unchanged: 13500-Unable to delete production entryUnchanged: 13500-Unable to delete production entry
Unchanged: 13223-Contract Agreement - IssueUnchanged: 13223-Contract Agreement - Issue
Unchanged: 12934-Location Master NeededUnchanged: 12934-Location Master Needed
Unchanged: 12454-Routing Report- Item WiseUnchanged: 12454-Routing Report- Item Wise
Unchanged: 12269-Multiple work orders generated for a single stage and single indentUnchanged: 12269-Multiple work orders generated for a single stage and single indent
Unchanged: 12048-view setting option in report viewUnchanged: 12048-view setting option in report view
Unchanged: 11579-Report requirement with extra detailsUnchanged: 11579-Report requirement with extra details
Unchanged: 11264-Particulars lightboxUnchanged: 11264-Particulars lightbox
Unchanged: 8732-Credit limit setting in Party masterUnchanged: 8732-Credit limit setting in Party master
Unchanged: 14458-DB CreationUnchanged: 14458-DB Creation
Unchanged: 14453-Master Schedule Source Type posted WrongUnchanged: 14453-Master Schedule Source Type posted Wrong
Unchanged: 14452-Class order and Command order is WrongUnchanged: 14452-Class order and Command order is Wrong
Unchanged: 14436-FAM / Asset Master screen - for continuous save records missingUnchanged: 14436-FAM / Asset Master screen - for continuous save records missing
Unchanged: 14431-Routing DeletedUnchanged: 14431-Routing Deleted
Unchanged: 14427-Release - / Periodic Overall and OULevel screensUnchanged: 14427-Release - / Periodic Overall and OULevel screens
Unchanged: 14426-Release - / Periodic MultiEmployee screenUnchanged: 14426-Release - / Periodic MultiEmployee screen
Unchanged: 14425-Release - / Periodic DAGroup screenUnchanged: 14425-Release - / Periodic DAGroup screen
Unchanged: 14424-Release - / Payment voucher screenUnchanged: 14424-Release - / Payment voucher screen
Unchanged: 14422-Release - / Role-Menu screenUnchanged: 14422-Release - / Role-Menu screen
Unchanged: 14421-Release - / Production Module / Bill Of Resource screen is missingUnchanged: 14421-Release - / Production Module / Bill Of Resource screen is missing
Unchanged: 14415-BOM - not fetching details from partmaster - Release 41Unchanged: 14415-BOM - not fetching details from partmaster - Release 41
Unchanged: 14404-FAM / Asset Master screenUnchanged: 14404-FAM / Asset Master screen
Unchanged: 14399-Invoice Transfer from one OU to other OUUnchanged: 14399-Invoice Transfer from one OU to other OU
Unchanged: 14396-transcation problemUnchanged: 14396-transcation problem
Unchanged: 14394-Release issue 41Unchanged: 14394-Release issue 41
Unchanged: 14392-Report not generatedUnchanged: 14392-Report not generated
Unchanged: 14388-Copy name is not printing in subcontract dcUnchanged: 14388-Copy name is not printing in subcontract dc
Unchanged: 14379-duties not loading from Itemparty DetailsUnchanged: 14379-duties not loading from Itemparty Details
Unchanged: 14375-TODO lightbox screen - not able to save recordsUnchanged: 14375-TODO lightbox screen - not able to save records
Unchanged: 14374-MMDAL latestUnchanged: 14374-MMDAL latest
Unchanged: 14373-Additional Freight in Line Item - Oxyfuel Invoice Mumbai 2Unchanged: 14373-Additional Freight in Line Item - Oxyfuel Invoice Mumbai 2
Unchanged: 14367-FAM / Asset Master screenUnchanged: 14367-FAM / Asset Master screen
Unchanged: 14355-Costing / Setting screenUnchanged: 14355-Costing / Setting screen
Unchanged: 14354-FAM / Asset Master screenUnchanged: 14354-FAM / Asset Master screen
Unchanged: 14353-FAM / Asset Transaction screensUnchanged: 14353-FAM / Asset Transaction screens
Unchanged: 14343-WorkOrderProduction / Stoppage lightboxUnchanged: 14343-WorkOrderProduction / Stoppage lightbox
Unchanged: 14341-Payroll Module / Leave Application screenUnchanged: 14341-Payroll Module / Leave Application screen
Unchanged: 14339-WorkOrderProduction screen - Stoppage lightboxUnchanged: 14339-WorkOrderProduction screen - Stoppage lightbox
Unchanged: 14329-Release - / PartyBranch Address lightbox screenUnchanged: 14329-Release - / PartyBranch Address lightbox screen
Unchanged: 14328-Release - Admin Module / BIZTransactionType screenUnchanged: 14328-Release - Admin Module / BIZTransactionType screen
Unchanged: 14315-Status RegisterUnchanged: 14315-Status Register
Unchanged: 14314-supplementary Invoice LoadingUnchanged: 14314-supplementary Invoice Loading
Unchanged: 14278-Issue in Scheduler updationUnchanged: 14278-Issue in Scheduler updation
Unchanged: 14268-Delivery Plan need to load onlyUnchanged: 14268-Delivery Plan need to load only
Unchanged: 14267-Sales Invoice SaveUnchanged: 14267-Sales Invoice Save
Unchanged: 14265-Sales Invocie save ErrorUnchanged: 14265-Sales Invocie save Error
Unchanged: 14261-Delivery Plan PointsUnchanged: 14261-Delivery Plan Points
Unchanged: 14252-Cutting Production screen - From Store and To Store fields are disabled not able to change storesUnchanged: 14252-Cutting Production screen - From Store and To Store fields are disabled not able to change stores
Unchanged: 14251-Admin Module / Organization Unit screenUnchanged: 14251-Admin Module / Organization Unit screen
Unchanged: 14248-Costing Module / Costing AddOn Setting screen - while retrieve 'DataType' field is emptyUnchanged: 14248-Costing Module / Costing AddOn Setting screen - while retrieve 'DataType' field is empty
Unchanged: 14207-shortage should be shown before work order release when production qty and item part no given tentativelyUnchanged: 14207-shortage should be shown before work order release when production qty and item part no given tentatively
Unchanged: 14202-EventtypeAction saving errorUnchanged: 14202-EventtypeAction saving error
Unchanged: 14191-OUWise Stock Report NeededUnchanged: 14191-OUWise Stock Report Needed
Unchanged: 14179-MRP run errorUnchanged: 14179-MRP run error
Unchanged: 14151-MRP In progress Stock detail report neededUnchanged: 14151-MRP In progress Stock detail report needed
Unchanged: 14150-MRP Schedule Receipt detail Report neededUnchanged: 14150-MRP Schedule Receipt detail Report needed
Unchanged: 14125-Errors in FAM TestingUnchanged: 14125-Errors in FAM Testing
Unchanged: 14053-Passing Period filter in doc printing lightbox biztransactiontype picklistUnchanged: 14053-Passing Period filter in doc printing lightbox biztransactiontype picklist
Unchanged: 14013-In TDS Register - Account filter picklist not workingUnchanged: 14013-In TDS Register - Account filter picklist not working
Unchanged: 14009-sale order document charge errorUnchanged: 14009-sale order document charge error
Unchanged: 14008-Adding Biztype and PeriodType in purchase order print while savingUnchanged: 14008-Adding Biztype and PeriodType in purchase order print while saving
Unchanged: 14005-Loading Sheet document printing ReportUnchanged: 14005-Loading Sheet document printing Report
Unchanged: 14004-Pickslip Document printing reportUnchanged: 14004-Pickslip Document printing report
Unchanged: 13994-Check for Input, Output,Waste Type fill in MM GridUnchanged: 13994-Check for Input, Output,Waste Type fill in MM Grid
Unchanged: 13989-Batch Serial numberUnchanged: 13989-Batch Serial number
Unchanged: 13985-Deliver Plan Screen correctionsUnchanged: 13985-Deliver Plan Screen corrections
Unchanged: 13917-Inter Company Voucher Save need CorrectionUnchanged: 13917-Inter Company Voucher Save need Correction
Unchanged: 13897-Subcontract Order screenUnchanged: 13897-Subcontract Order screen
Unchanged: 13873-Relogin is not working in Online ServerUnchanged: 13873-Relogin is not working in Online Server
Unchanged: 13822-Subcontract MIN and InspectionUnchanged: 13822-Subcontract MIN and Inspection
Unchanged: 13743-Point in Routing ScreenUnchanged: 13743-Point in Routing Screen
Unchanged: 13484-MM Transaction with Lot and PackingUnchanged: 13484-MM Transaction with Lot and Packing
Unchanged: 13402- Miscellaneous Purchase-AccountPostingUnchanged: 13402- Miscellaneous Purchase-AccountPosting
Unchanged: 13095-Insurance MasterUnchanged: 13095-Insurance Master
Unchanged: 13043-ECR Not SavedUnchanged: 13043-ECR Not Saved
Unchanged: 12944-Logistic Module CorrectionUnchanged: 12944-Logistic Module Correction
Unchanged: 12722-In DeliveryGatepass, user can cancel the current date deliveryrunnumber only. It should not allowed the user to cancel the backdated GatepassesUnchanged: 12722-In DeliveryGatepass, user can cancel the current date deliveryrunnumber only. It should not allowed the user to cancel the backdated Gatepasses
Unchanged: 12659-Issue in Group Name printing in papl day bookUnchanged: 12659-Issue in Group Name printing in papl day book
Unchanged: 12637-Stock Ledger to Stock Position TriggerUnchanged: 12637-Stock Ledger to Stock Position Trigger
Unchanged: 12403-While sync VWALLOCATION is doppedUnchanged: 12403-While sync VWALLOCATION is dopped
Unchanged: 10530-Tool Maintenance If BreakDown done before PM Schedule Date,PM Should not allow to PMUnchanged: 10530-Tool Maintenance If BreakDown done before PM Schedule Date,PM Should not allow to PM
Unchanged: 9799-Pending sub contractor value is not showing the material value and also the ageing details</td>Unchanged: 9799-Pending sub contractor value is not showing the material value and also the ageing details</td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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