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Revision 6604 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Planning Module
New reports has been developed
  • Plan Detail Summary and Schedule Receipt Detail report has been developed
Path to check:Planning > Reports >Plan Detail >Plan Summary Path to check:Planning > Reports >Plan Detail >Plan Datewise Path to check:Planning > Reports >MRP Working >Schedule Receipt Detail
Logistics Module
New screens has been developed
  • Three different screens has been developed:
  • Delivery Plan
  • Inward Plan
  • Loading Sheet
Delivery Plan (1) Inward Plan Loading Sheet Path to check:Logistics>Transaction >Trip >Delivery Plan Path to check:Logistics> Transaction >Trip >Inward Plan Path to check:Logistics> Transaction >Trip >Loading Sheet
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced 14395-Logistic module not working 14394-Release issue 41 14375-TODO lightbox screen - not able to save records 14374-MMDAL latest 14367-FAM / Asset Master screen 14359-In GRN printout Rejected quantity & Remarks from quality to be added 14355-Costing / Setting screen 14354-FAM / Asset Master screen 14353-FAM / Asset Transaction screens 14352-ECN Number is not generating 14350-Unit 2 GRN not able to account 14349-STATUS OF THE CALL REGISTER TO BE SHOWN PROPERLY 14348-IN MAINTENANCE CALL REGISTER PORTAL, "REQUESTED BY" FIELD DROP DOWN LIST NOT PROVIDED 14341-Payroll Module / Leave Application screen 14329-Release - / PartyBranch Address lightbox screen 14328-Release - Admin Module / BIZTransactionType screen 14312-Leave/Leave credit Number of Days can be increased upto 5 digits (like 100.5) for pssgl 14311-Issue in overtime Screen 14306-process code and process name error in erp 14300-Issue in Leave Status Report 14298-HTML Report view 14283-Agreed methodology for work order generation and their entry 14278-Issue in Scheduler updation 14277-SLEP ( Shop Level End Product) 14273-Issue in daily attendance report 14270-Sales Invoice Saved with LOT Enabled but 14267-Sales Invoice Save 14265-Sales Invocie save Error 14263-Production Screen Correction 14261-Delivery Plan Points 14252-Cutting Production screen - From Store and To Store fields are disabled not able to change stores 14245-resource punchin out erp error 14237-Points in Pattern Screen 14228-Not enabled menus should not come even not selected status in menuset through sync 14206-Sales Analysis (Group) 14177-Issue in subcontract pending register 14170-Account statement screen and reports shows difference in values ( screen shows Cr balance, report shows Dr Balance) 14151-MRP In progress Stock detail report needed 14150-MRP Schedule Receipt detail Report needed 14130-unable to retrieve saved data in Asset master 14120-Payment document printing without bill no & Date 14118-TDS deducted category - wrong data provided in report 14117-Issue in Csv Export 14109-Costing Module / Costing Addon Setting screen - not able save records 14035-Tansit Insurance Report 14026-Inventory to assetposting(tfam) does not rollback completely if any error in transaction, it saves partially 14023-SUBCONTRACT ORDER AMENDMENT CLASS AND RELATED SETTING TO BE CREATED 14016-JobworkorderAmendment screen 14005-Loading Sheet document printing Report 13990-Record not found error when item is updated 13989-Batch Serial number 13985-Deliver Plan Screen corrections 13962-regular screen errors in transaction screens 13897-Subcontract Order screen 13873-Relogin is not working in Online Server 13872-Party address and tax details update of DATA 13866-Party lightbox screen 13830-HTML Report view balance issue 13822-Subcontract MIN and Inspection 13675-Yarn DC Order Transaction Screen 13572-Mm form entry 13569-RTGS request format required 13395-Cost and Realisation setting 13115-FAM Reports 13075-mismatch between CC allocation and voucher detail 13057-ECN DOCUMENT PRINTING 13043-ECR Not Saved 13041-Workflowsetting screen issues 12958-ECR DOCUMENT PRINTING ERROR 12944-Logistic Module Correction 12693-In CustomerBillpassing screen, automatic account posting required. Daily they generated more than 50 bills, it is not easier to put posting for every bills they left some bills for to do the account posting. 12585-MMTransaction posting 12583-MM screens to Asset Acquisition 12403-While sync VWALLOCATION is dopped 12386-OrganizationUnit wise - Partybranch (Consignor and Consignee) Picklist required 12205-FAM - INSURENECE SCREEN NOT OPENING 12101-Actual cost not matching 11931-Master demand schedule report changes 11890-Save As option in Routing Master 11262-Commission report - 2 report format 11059-Packing Production Update 11034-Production progress monitoring report 10166-Option:Payment 10093-Purchase & Sales summary withoutitem including FC 9807-Quarterly vendor rating report 8732-Credit limit setting in Party master 6612-Vendor Rating details is not considering the NCR 14388-Copy name is not printing in subcontract dc 14379-duties not loading from Itemparty Details 14376-Indent Geneation Error 14346-Issue in sku generation for updated items in routing 14338-Production Module / WorkorderProduction --> StockAdjustment button is not working 14337-Accounts Module / Load Template 14336-MMTransaction screens - when Asset is set as NONE in Item master 14335-Stores Module / Item Master - while update internal server error thrown 14334-MMTransaction screen --> for loading doc 14333-Release - / Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice screen 14332-Release - / Payroll Module / Periodic OULevel screen 14310-Photo not loading issue reported by Messer security 14309-FAM / Opening screen - the Location 'BranchName' field data 14305-Validation Lock not found in PSSGL Database 14301-Issue in creating scheduler 14299-Reports not working - purchase & subcontract 14297-CRM>> Workbench >> Unable to close any work/task. even if selected as closed it still appears again 14295-FAM / Asset Master - for update error when site and location changes 14289-FAM / Asset Transaction screens 14272-Delivery plan Lot number picklist shows other item Lot numbers 14269-Item more then 1 qty 14236-BOM screen - In a grid fields alignments are not perfect 14227-Production Module / Resource Punch screen 14226-Release - 40 / Production Module / Resource Punch screen 14210-MRP ISSUE 14203-Party Tax Type report no ok 14202-EventtypeAction saving error 14201-Account Module / Bill Allocation 14195-FAM Module / Asset Acquisition screen 14189-Nesting WO duplication created 14164-CREATION OF NEW INVOICE CATEGORY FOR HIGH SEA SALE 14154-stores-->Stock ledger itemwise report issue 14139-Costing Module / Setting screen 14138-Costing Module / Periodic Overall screen 14135-Menuset vs Client Database menu is not the same. menu which are not available in menuset is displaying in client DB 14128-Opening stock screen - for update an error thrown 14113-Costing Module / Periodic Costcenter screen 14112-Costing Module / CostPeriodicProduct screen 14111-Costing Module / PeriodicCostCenterProduct screen 14110-Costing Module / Cost Periodic Overall screen 14096-Items which has nesting plan, required quantity is calculated wrongly, it calculates the raw material weight instead of actual reqd qty 14095-Saleorder against forecast is not working properly 14051-Issue in work order printing 14013-In TDS Register - Account filter picklist not working 13913-Issue in Salary Register 13901-New field to be added in duty tariff table 13838-Issue in overtime screen 13832-ALFRESCO BACKUP AND RESTORE TOOL 13820-Cheque printing Indian bank and HDFC 13709-Cache Issue in report 13701-Subcontract Quotation screen 13667-Job work invoice printing issue 13622-ForeCast Loading issue 13580-Display issue in Process lightbox 13499-Issue subcontract dc closing 13163-Issue in account posting from mm screen 13058-Forecast data issue 13033-Opening Balance issue 12853-Point in Activity Screen 12803-Vendor rating issue 9802-Schedule varaiance report should be for the receipted materails and It should consider for Schedule date vs supplier Invoice date



Revision Differences

August 23, 2016 @ 10:29:40Current Revision
Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">
Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #00664d; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #00664d; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>
Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6600; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6600; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Planning Module</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Planning Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New reports has been developedUnchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New reports has been developed
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Plan Detail Summary and Schedule Receipt Detail report has been developed</li>Unchanged: <li>Plan Detail Summary and Schedule Receipt Detail report has been developed</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Deleted: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;Plan Detail &gt;Plan Detail</em> 
Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;Plan Detail &gt;Plan Summary</em>Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;Plan Detail &gt;Plan Summary</em>
Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;Plan Detail &gt;Plan Datewise</em>Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;Plan Detail &gt;Plan Datewise</em>
Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;MRP Working &gt;Schedule Receipt Detail</em></td>Unchanged: <em>Path to check:Planning &gt; Reports &gt;MRP Working &gt;Schedule Receipt Detail</em></td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Deleted: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff6600; color: #fff;" width="100%"> Added: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #ff0066; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Accounts Module</td> Added: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Logistics Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Screen has been developed Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New screens has been developed
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>New screen named Insurance has been developed</li> Added: <li>Three different screens has been developed:</li>
 Added: <li>Delivery Plan</li>
 Added: <li>Inward Plan</li>
 Added: <li>Loading Sheet</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
 Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/08/Delivery- Plan-1.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6607" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ Delivery-Plan-1.jpg" alt="Delivery Plan (1)" width="1366" height="728" /></a>
Deleted: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/08/Insurance.png"><img src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ Insurance.png" alt="Insurance" width="1920" height="1040" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6603" /></a> Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/08/Inward- Plan.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6608" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ Inward-Plan.jpg" alt="Inward Plan" width="1366" height="728" /></a>
 Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/08/Loading- Sheet.jpg"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6609" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/08/ Loading-Sheet.jpg" alt="Loading Sheet" width="1366" height="728" /></a>
Deleted: <em>Path to check:Accounts &gt; Master &gt;Insurance</em> Added: <em>Path to check:Logistics&gt;Transaction &gt;Trip &gt;Delivery Plan</em>
Deleted: </td> 
 Added: <em>Path to check:Logistics&gt; Transaction &gt;Trip &gt;Inward Plan</em>
 Added: <em>Path to check:Logistics&gt; Transaction &gt;Trip &gt;Loading Sheet</em></td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: </td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: </td> 
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #006600; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #006600; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced </strong></span>Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced </strong></span>
Unchanged: 14395-Logistic module not workingUnchanged: 14395-Logistic module not working
Unchanged: 14394-Release issue 41Unchanged: 14394-Release issue 41
Unchanged: 14375-TODO lightbox screen - not able to save recordsUnchanged: 14375-TODO lightbox screen - not able to save records
Unchanged: 14374-MMDAL latestUnchanged: 14374-MMDAL latest
Unchanged: 14367-FAM / Asset Master screenUnchanged: 14367-FAM / Asset Master screen
Unchanged: 14359-In GRN printout Rejected quantity &amp; Remarks from quality to be addedUnchanged: 14359-In GRN printout Rejected quantity &amp; Remarks from quality to be added
Unchanged: 14355-Costing / Setting screenUnchanged: 14355-Costing / Setting screen
Unchanged: 14354-FAM / Asset Master screenUnchanged: 14354-FAM / Asset Master screen
Unchanged: 14353-FAM / Asset Transaction screensUnchanged: 14353-FAM / Asset Transaction screens
Unchanged: 14352-ECN Number is not generatingUnchanged: 14352-ECN Number is not generating
Unchanged: 14350-Unit 2 GRN not able to accountUnchanged: 14350-Unit 2 GRN not able to account
Unchanged: 14341-Payroll Module / Leave Application screenUnchanged: 14341-Payroll Module / Leave Application screen
Unchanged: 14329-Release - / PartyBranch Address lightbox screenUnchanged: 14329-Release - / PartyBranch Address lightbox screen
Unchanged: 14328-Release - Admin Module / BIZTransactionType screenUnchanged: 14328-Release - Admin Module / BIZTransactionType screen
Unchanged: 14312-Leave/Leave credit Number of Days can be increased upto 5 digits (like 100.5) for pssglUnchanged: 14312-Leave/Leave credit Number of Days can be increased upto 5 digits (like 100.5) for pssgl
Unchanged: 14311-Issue in overtime ScreenUnchanged: 14311-Issue in overtime Screen
Unchanged: 14306-process code and process name error in erpUnchanged: 14306-process code and process name error in erp
Unchanged: 14300-Issue in Leave Status ReportUnchanged: 14300-Issue in Leave Status Report
Unchanged: 14298-HTML Report viewUnchanged: 14298-HTML Report view
Unchanged: 14283-Agreed methodology for work order generation and their entryUnchanged: 14283-Agreed methodology for work order generation and their entry
Unchanged: 14278-Issue in Scheduler updationUnchanged: 14278-Issue in Scheduler updation
Unchanged: 14277-SLEP ( Shop Level End Product)Unchanged: 14277-SLEP ( Shop Level End Product)
Unchanged: 14273-Issue in daily attendance reportUnchanged: 14273-Issue in daily attendance report
Unchanged: 14270-Sales Invoice Saved with LOT Enabled butUnchanged: 14270-Sales Invoice Saved with LOT Enabled but
Unchanged: 14267-Sales Invoice SaveUnchanged: 14267-Sales Invoice Save
Unchanged: 14265-Sales Invocie save ErrorUnchanged: 14265-Sales Invocie save Error
Unchanged: 14263-Production Screen CorrectionUnchanged: 14263-Production Screen Correction
Unchanged: 14261-Delivery Plan PointsUnchanged: 14261-Delivery Plan Points
Unchanged: 14252-Cutting Production screen - From Store and To Store fields are disabled not able to change storesUnchanged: 14252-Cutting Production screen - From Store and To Store fields are disabled not able to change stores
Unchanged: 14245-resource punchin out erp errorUnchanged: 14245-resource punchin out erp error
Unchanged: 14237-Points in Pattern ScreenUnchanged: 14237-Points in Pattern Screen
Unchanged: 14228-Not enabled menus should not come even not selected status in menuset through syncUnchanged: 14228-Not enabled menus should not come even not selected status in menuset through sync
Unchanged: 14206-Sales Analysis (Group)Unchanged: 14206-Sales Analysis (Group)
Unchanged: 14177-Issue in subcontract pending registerUnchanged: 14177-Issue in subcontract pending register
Unchanged: 14170-Account statement screen and reports shows difference in values ( screen shows Cr balance, report shows Dr Balance)Unchanged: 14170-Account statement screen and reports shows difference in values ( screen shows Cr balance, report shows Dr Balance)
Unchanged: 14151-MRP In progress Stock detail report neededUnchanged: 14151-MRP In progress Stock detail report needed
Unchanged: 14150-MRP Schedule Receipt detail Report neededUnchanged: 14150-MRP Schedule Receipt detail Report needed
Unchanged: 14130-unable to retrieve saved data in Asset masterUnchanged: 14130-unable to retrieve saved data in Asset master
Unchanged: 14120-Payment document printing without bill no &amp; DateUnchanged: 14120-Payment document printing without bill no &amp; Date
Unchanged: 14118-TDS deducted category - wrong data provided in reportUnchanged: 14118-TDS deducted category - wrong data provided in report
Unchanged: 14117-Issue in Csv ExportUnchanged: 14117-Issue in Csv Export
Unchanged: 14109-Costing Module / Costing Addon Setting screen - not able save recordsUnchanged: 14109-Costing Module / Costing Addon Setting screen - not able save records
Unchanged: 14035-Tansit Insurance ReportUnchanged: 14035-Tansit Insurance Report
Unchanged: 14026-Inventory to assetposting(tfam) does not rollback completely if any error in transaction, it saves partiallyUnchanged: 14026-Inventory to assetposting(tfam) does not rollback completely if any error in transaction, it saves partially
Unchanged: 14016-JobworkorderAmendment screenUnchanged: 14016-JobworkorderAmendment screen
Unchanged: 14005-Loading Sheet document printing ReportUnchanged: 14005-Loading Sheet document printing Report
Unchanged: 13990-Record not found error when item is updatedUnchanged: 13990-Record not found error when item is updated
Unchanged: 13989-Batch Serial numberUnchanged: 13989-Batch Serial number
Unchanged: 13985-Deliver Plan Screen correctionsUnchanged: 13985-Deliver Plan Screen corrections
Unchanged: 13962-regular screen errors in transaction screensUnchanged: 13962-regular screen errors in transaction screens
Unchanged: 13897-Subcontract Order screenUnchanged: 13897-Subcontract Order screen
Unchanged: 13873-Relogin is not working in Online ServerUnchanged: 13873-Relogin is not working in Online Server
Unchanged: 13872-Party address and tax details update of DATAUnchanged: 13872-Party address and tax details update of DATA
Unchanged: 13866-Party lightbox screenUnchanged: 13866-Party lightbox screen
Unchanged: 13830-HTML Report view balance issueUnchanged: 13830-HTML Report view balance issue
Unchanged: 13822-Subcontract MIN and InspectionUnchanged: 13822-Subcontract MIN and Inspection
Unchanged: 13675-Yarn DC Order Transaction ScreenUnchanged: 13675-Yarn DC Order Transaction Screen
Unchanged: 13572-Mm form entryUnchanged: 13572-Mm form entry
Unchanged: 13569-RTGS request format requiredUnchanged: 13569-RTGS request format required
Unchanged: 13395-Cost and Realisation settingUnchanged: 13395-Cost and Realisation setting
Unchanged: 13115-FAM ReportsUnchanged: 13115-FAM Reports
Unchanged: 13075-mismatch between CC allocation and voucher detailUnchanged: 13075-mismatch between CC allocation and voucher detail
Unchanged: 13043-ECR Not SavedUnchanged: 13043-ECR Not Saved
Unchanged: 13041-Workflowsetting screen issuesUnchanged: 13041-Workflowsetting screen issues
Unchanged: 12944-Logistic Module CorrectionUnchanged: 12944-Logistic Module Correction
Unchanged: 12693-In CustomerBillpassing screen, automatic account posting required. Daily they generated more than 50 bills, it is not easier to put posting for every bills they left some bills for to do the account posting.Unchanged: 12693-In CustomerBillpassing screen, automatic account posting required. Daily they generated more than 50 bills, it is not easier to put posting for every bills they left some bills for to do the account posting.
Unchanged: 12585-MMTransaction postingUnchanged: 12585-MMTransaction posting
Unchanged: 12583-MM screens to Asset AcquisitionUnchanged: 12583-MM screens to Asset Acquisition
Unchanged: 12403-While sync VWALLOCATION is doppedUnchanged: 12403-While sync VWALLOCATION is dopped
Unchanged: 12386-OrganizationUnit wise - Partybranch (Consignor and Consignee) Picklist requiredUnchanged: 12386-OrganizationUnit wise - Partybranch (Consignor and Consignee) Picklist required
Unchanged: 12101-Actual cost not matchingUnchanged: 12101-Actual cost not matching
Unchanged: 11931-Master demand schedule report changesUnchanged: 11931-Master demand schedule report changes
Unchanged: 11890-Save As option in Routing MasterUnchanged: 11890-Save As option in Routing Master
Unchanged: 11262-Commission report - 2 report formatUnchanged: 11262-Commission report - 2 report format
Unchanged: 11059-Packing Production UpdateUnchanged: 11059-Packing Production Update
Unchanged: 11034-Production progress monitoring reportUnchanged: 11034-Production progress monitoring report
Unchanged: 10166-Option:PaymentUnchanged: 10166-Option:Payment
Unchanged: 10093-Purchase &amp; Sales summary withoutitem including FCUnchanged: 10093-Purchase &amp; Sales summary withoutitem including FC
Unchanged: 9807-Quarterly vendor rating reportUnchanged: 9807-Quarterly vendor rating report
Unchanged: 8732-Credit limit setting in Party masterUnchanged: 8732-Credit limit setting in Party master
Unchanged: 6612-Vendor Rating details is not considering the NCRUnchanged: 6612-Vendor Rating details is not considering the NCR
Unchanged: 14388-Copy name is not printing in subcontract dcUnchanged: 14388-Copy name is not printing in subcontract dc
Unchanged: 14379-duties not loading from Itemparty DetailsUnchanged: 14379-duties not loading from Itemparty Details
Unchanged: 14376-Indent Geneation ErrorUnchanged: 14376-Indent Geneation Error
Unchanged: 14346-Issue in sku generation for updated items in routingUnchanged: 14346-Issue in sku generation for updated items in routing
Unchanged: 14338-Production Module / WorkorderProduction --&gt; StockAdjustment button is not workingUnchanged: 14338-Production Module / WorkorderProduction --&gt; StockAdjustment button is not working
Unchanged: 14337-Accounts Module / Load TemplateUnchanged: 14337-Accounts Module / Load Template
Unchanged: 14336-MMTransaction screens - when Asset is set as NONE in Item masterUnchanged: 14336-MMTransaction screens - when Asset is set as NONE in Item master
Unchanged: 14335-Stores Module / Item Master - while update internal server error thrownUnchanged: 14335-Stores Module / Item Master - while update internal server error thrown
Unchanged: 14334-MMTransaction screen --&gt; for loading docUnchanged: 14334-MMTransaction screen --&gt; for loading doc
Unchanged: 14333-Release - / Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice screenUnchanged: 14333-Release - / Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice screen
Unchanged: 14332-Release - / Payroll Module / Periodic OULevel screenUnchanged: 14332-Release - / Payroll Module / Periodic OULevel screen
Unchanged: 14310-Photo not loading issue reported by Messer securityUnchanged: 14310-Photo not loading issue reported by Messer security
Unchanged: 14309-FAM / Opening screen - the Location 'BranchName' field dataUnchanged: 14309-FAM / Opening screen - the Location 'BranchName' field data
Unchanged: 14305-Validation Lock not found in PSSGL DatabaseUnchanged: 14305-Validation Lock not found in PSSGL Database
Unchanged: 14301-Issue in creating schedulerUnchanged: 14301-Issue in creating scheduler
Unchanged: 14299-Reports not working - purchase &amp; subcontractUnchanged: 14299-Reports not working - purchase &amp; subcontract
Unchanged: 14297-CRM&gt;&gt; Workbench &gt;&gt; Unable to close any work/task. even if selected as closed it still appears againUnchanged: 14297-CRM&gt;&gt; Workbench &gt;&gt; Unable to close any work/task. even if selected as closed it still appears again
Unchanged: 14295-FAM / Asset Master - for update error when site and location changesUnchanged: 14295-FAM / Asset Master - for update error when site and location changes
Unchanged: 14289-FAM / Asset Transaction screensUnchanged: 14289-FAM / Asset Transaction screens
Unchanged: 14272-Delivery plan Lot number picklist shows other item Lot numbersUnchanged: 14272-Delivery plan Lot number picklist shows other item Lot numbers
Unchanged: 14269-Item more then 1 qtyUnchanged: 14269-Item more then 1 qty
Unchanged: 14236-BOM screen - In a grid fields alignments are not perfectUnchanged: 14236-BOM screen - In a grid fields alignments are not perfect
Unchanged: 14227-Production Module / Resource Punch screenUnchanged: 14227-Production Module / Resource Punch screen
Unchanged: 14226-Release - 40 / Production Module / Resource Punch screenUnchanged: 14226-Release - 40 / Production Module / Resource Punch screen
Unchanged: 14210-MRP ISSUEUnchanged: 14210-MRP ISSUE
Unchanged: 14203-Party Tax Type report no okUnchanged: 14203-Party Tax Type report no ok
Unchanged: 14202-EventtypeAction saving errorUnchanged: 14202-EventtypeAction saving error
Unchanged: 14201-Account Module / Bill AllocationUnchanged: 14201-Account Module / Bill Allocation
Unchanged: 14195-FAM Module / Asset Acquisition screenUnchanged: 14195-FAM Module / Asset Acquisition screen
Unchanged: 14189-Nesting WO duplication createdUnchanged: 14189-Nesting WO duplication created
Unchanged: 14154-stores--&gt;Stock ledger itemwise report issueUnchanged: 14154-stores--&gt;Stock ledger itemwise report issue
Unchanged: 14139-Costing Module / Setting screenUnchanged: 14139-Costing Module / Setting screen
Unchanged: 14138-Costing Module / Periodic Overall screenUnchanged: 14138-Costing Module / Periodic Overall screen
Unchanged: 14135-Menuset vs Client Database menu is not the same. menu which are not available in menuset is displaying in client DBUnchanged: 14135-Menuset vs Client Database menu is not the same. menu which are not available in menuset is displaying in client DB
Unchanged: 14128-Opening stock screen - for update an error thrownUnchanged: 14128-Opening stock screen - for update an error thrown
Unchanged: 14113-Costing Module / Periodic Costcenter screenUnchanged: 14113-Costing Module / Periodic Costcenter screen
Unchanged: 14112-Costing Module / CostPeriodicProduct screenUnchanged: 14112-Costing Module / CostPeriodicProduct screen
Unchanged: 14111-Costing Module / PeriodicCostCenterProduct screenUnchanged: 14111-Costing Module / PeriodicCostCenterProduct screen
Unchanged: 14110-Costing Module / Cost Periodic Overall screenUnchanged: 14110-Costing Module / Cost Periodic Overall screen
Unchanged: 14096-Items which has nesting plan, required quantity is calculated wrongly, it calculates the raw material weight instead of actual reqd qtyUnchanged: 14096-Items which has nesting plan, required quantity is calculated wrongly, it calculates the raw material weight instead of actual reqd qty
Unchanged: 14095-Saleorder against forecast is not working properlyUnchanged: 14095-Saleorder against forecast is not working properly
Unchanged: 14051-Issue in work order printingUnchanged: 14051-Issue in work order printing
Unchanged: 14013-In TDS Register - Account filter picklist not workingUnchanged: 14013-In TDS Register - Account filter picklist not working
Unchanged: 13913-Issue in Salary RegisterUnchanged: 13913-Issue in Salary Register
Unchanged: 13901-New field to be added in duty tariff tableUnchanged: 13901-New field to be added in duty tariff table
Unchanged: 13838-Issue in overtime screenUnchanged: 13838-Issue in overtime screen
Unchanged: 13820-Cheque printing Indian bank and HDFCUnchanged: 13820-Cheque printing Indian bank and HDFC
Unchanged: 13709-Cache Issue in reportUnchanged: 13709-Cache Issue in report
Unchanged: 13701-Subcontract Quotation screenUnchanged: 13701-Subcontract Quotation screen
Unchanged: 13667-Job work invoice printing issueUnchanged: 13667-Job work invoice printing issue
Unchanged: 13622-ForeCast Loading issueUnchanged: 13622-ForeCast Loading issue
Unchanged: 13580-Display issue in Process lightboxUnchanged: 13580-Display issue in Process lightbox
Unchanged: 13499-Issue subcontract dc closingUnchanged: 13499-Issue subcontract dc closing
Unchanged: 13163-Issue in account posting from mm screenUnchanged: 13163-Issue in account posting from mm screen
Unchanged: 13058-Forecast data issueUnchanged: 13058-Forecast data issue
Unchanged: 13033-Opening Balance issueUnchanged: 13033-Opening Balance issue
Unchanged: 12853-Point in Activity ScreenUnchanged: 12853-Point in Activity Screen
Unchanged: 12803-Vendor rating issueUnchanged: 12803-Vendor rating issue
Unchanged: 9802-Schedule varaiance report should be for the receipted materails and It should consider for Schedule date vs supplier Invoice date</td>Unchanged: 9802-Schedule varaiance report should be for the receipted materails and It should consider for Schedule date vs supplier Invoice date</td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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