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Revision 6408 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Inventory Transactions
Changes has been done for fine tuning of inventory screens
  • Document selection retrieval time has been reduced
Production Module
New Reports has been developed in production module for planning
  • These Reports are used for planning work order according to Item,Resource Type,Work center and Process
Path to check: Production > Reports> Work Order >Plan Summary > Item Path to check: Production > Reports> Work Order >Plan Summary >Work Center Path to check: Production > Reports> Work Order >Plan Summary > Process Path to check: Production > Reports> Work Order >Plan Summary >ResourceType  
Accounts Module
New P and L Report has been added
  • To verify and analyse the profit and loss
Path to check: Accounts > reports > PandL>Account Wise Periodic Report  
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced 12017-Account master issues 11998-Opening balance issues 11957-Action screen issue 12314-Issue in showing content in workflow screen 11174-Draft issue for Masters and Transaction 12290-GCM-TDSCategorySection issue 12231-Item Master issue 12372-Advance request issue 12380-Accounts report issue 12493-process name has been added in subcontract quotation 11906-Purchase order storage issue 12346-Resource Assigning issue 11936-Formula screen issues 10846-Booking screen issue 11999-BRS screen issue 12307-Biztransaction Type issue 12388-Periodic for Payconfiguration screen issue 12303-Booking Delivery collection Detail and summary issue 11359-Purchase invoice issue 12511-Purchase Requisition error 12518-Sales Invoice screen issue 12152-Cutting production issue 12148-Resource Punch screen issue 12134-WorkOrderClosing screen issue 12409-Report View Setting Issues 12451-Pay Processing issue 12392-Addition Deduction screen issue 12473-Stock Account Voucher Posting To date default filling 12397-OrganizationUnit retrieval issue 12420- Delivery Gate pass Screen issue 12385-Party and Party branch Inactive option requirement 12233-Drop reason master issue 12531-Leave status report 12445-Resource Assigning screen issue 12527-Production Module screen issue



Revision Differences

April 5, 2016 @ 11:50:43Current Revision
Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">
Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #00664d; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #00664d; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>
Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #2d8659; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #2d8659; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Inventory Transactions</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Inventory Transactions</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Changes has been done for fine tuning of inventory screensUnchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Changes has been done for fine tuning of inventory screens
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>Document selection retrieval time has been reduced </li> Added: <li>Document selection retrieval time has been reduced</li>
Deleted: </ul> 
Deleted: </td> 
Deleted: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: </td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: </td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #c85611; color: #fff;" width="100%"> 
Deleted: <tbody> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Report Enhancement</td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"> 
Deleted: <table width="1022"> 
Deleted: <tbody> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Changes has been done for WIP stock report 
Deleted: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong> 
Deleted: </strong></span> 
Deleted: <ul> 
Deleted: <li>Nature Filter has been done based on In house and Sub contract</li> 
Deleted: </ul> 
Deleted: </td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Changes has been done for SLT Document Printing Report 
Deleted: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong> 
Deleted: </strong></span> 
Deleted: <ul> 
Deleted: <li>Alignment corrections has been done and Pan No has been added in SLT invoice document printing report</li> 
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #314295; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #314295; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">All Module</td> Added: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Production Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Feature has been added fpr the enhancement of the lightbox applicable in all screens Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Reports has been developed in production module for planning
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>Lightbox standard width has been set for all screens</li>Added: <li>These Reports are used for planning work order according to Item,Resource Type,Work center and Process</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
 Added: <em>Path to check: Production &gt; Reports&gt; Work Order &gt;Plan Summary &gt; Item </em>
 Added: <em>Path to check: Production &gt; Reports&gt; Work Order &gt;Plan Summary &gt;Work Center </em>
 Added: <em>Path to check: Production &gt; Reports&gt; Work Order &gt;Plan Summary &gt; Process</em>
 Added: <em>Path to check: Production &gt; Reports&gt; Work Order &gt;Plan Summary &gt;ResourceType </em>
Unchanged: <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Deleted: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #314295; color: #fff;" width="100%"> Added: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #2d8659; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Payroll Module</td> Added: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Accounts Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Field has been added Screen in Address lightbox for Employee master Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New P and L Report has been added
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Deleted: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/03/emp1.png" rel="attachment wp-att-6396"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6396" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2016/03/emp1.png" alt="emp1" width="500" height="574" /></a> 
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Deleted: <li>This Field has seven options</li> 
Deleted: <li>Using this,Employee's address can be categorized</li>Added: <li>To verify and analyse the profit and loss</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Deleted: <em>Path to check: Payroll &gt; Master&gt; Employye Details &gt;Employee Master</em> 
Deleted: <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong> 
Deleted: </strong></span> 
Deleted: &nbsp;</td> 
Deleted: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: </td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #314295; color: #fff;" width="100%"> 
Deleted: <tbody> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Accounts Module</td> 
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"> 
Deleted: <table width="1022"> 
Deleted: <tbody> 
Deleted: <tr> 
Deleted: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New Feature has been added 
Deleted: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong> 
Deleted: </strong></span><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/03/acc1.png" rel="attachment wp-att-6398"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6398" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2016/03/acc1.png" alt="acc1" width="500" height="561" /></a> 
Deleted: <ul> 
Deleted: <li>Year wise posting Option has been given</li> 
Deleted: </ul> 
Deleted: <em>Path to check: Accounts &gt; Tools &gt; Others &gt;Account PositionRepost</em> Added: <em>Path to check: Accounts &gt; reports &gt; PandL&gt;Account Wise Periodic Report</em>
Unchanged: <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #3e5e5e; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #3e5e5e; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug Fixes and Improvements</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introducedUnchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">< strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features introduced
Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Unchanged: </strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>
Unchanged: </strong></span>Unchanged: </strong></span>
Unchanged: 12017-Account master issuesUnchanged: 12017-Account master issues
Unchanged: 11998-Opening balance issuesUnchanged: 11998-Opening balance issues
Unchanged: 11957-Action screen issueUnchanged: 11957-Action screen issue
Unchanged: 12314-Issue in showing content in workflow screenUnchanged: 12314-Issue in showing content in workflow screen
Unchanged: 11174-Draft issue for Masters and TransactionUnchanged: 11174-Draft issue for Masters and Transaction
Unchanged: 12290-GCM-TDSCategorySection issueUnchanged: 12290-GCM-TDSCategorySection issue
Unchanged: 12231-Item Master issueUnchanged: 12231-Item Master issue
Unchanged: 12372-Advance request issueUnchanged: 12372-Advance request issue
Unchanged: 12380-Accounts report issueUnchanged: 12380-Accounts report issue
Unchanged: 12493-process name has been added in subcontract quotationUnchanged: 12493-process name has been added in subcontract quotation
Unchanged: 11906-Purchase order storage issueUnchanged: 11906-Purchase order storage issue
Unchanged: 12346-Resource Assigning issueUnchanged: 12346-Resource Assigning issue
Unchanged: 11936-Formula screen issuesUnchanged: 11936-Formula screen issues
Unchanged: 10846-Booking screen issueUnchanged: 10846-Booking screen issue
Unchanged: 11999-BRS screen issueUnchanged: 11999-BRS screen issue
Unchanged: 12307-Biztransaction Type issueUnchanged: 12307-Biztransaction Type issue
Unchanged: 12388-Periodic for Payconfiguration screen issueUnchanged: 12388-Periodic for Payconfiguration screen issue
Unchanged: 12303-Booking Delivery collection Detail and summary issueUnchanged: 12303-Booking Delivery collection Detail and summary issue
Unchanged: 11359-Purchase invoice issueUnchanged: 11359-Purchase invoice issue
Unchanged: 12511-Purchase Requisition errorUnchanged: 12511-Purchase Requisition error
Unchanged: 12518-Sales Invoice screen issueUnchanged: 12518-Sales Invoice screen issue
Unchanged: 12152-Cutting production issueUnchanged: 12152-Cutting production issue
Unchanged: 12148-Resource Punch screen issueUnchanged: 12148-Resource Punch screen issue
Unchanged: 12134-WorkOrderClosing screen issueUnchanged: 12134-WorkOrderClosing screen issue
Unchanged: 12409-Report View Setting IssuesUnchanged: 12409-Report View Setting Issues
Unchanged: 12451-Pay Processing issueUnchanged: 12451-Pay Processing issue
Unchanged: 12392-Addition Deduction screen issueUnchanged: 12392-Addition Deduction screen issue
Unchanged: 12473-Stock Account Voucher Posting To date default fillingUnchanged: 12473-Stock Account Voucher Posting To date default filling
Unchanged: 12397-OrganizationUnit retrieval issueUnchanged: 12397-OrganizationUnit retrieval issue
Deleted: 12420- Delivery Gatepass Screen issue Added: 12420- Delivery Gate pass Screen issue
Deleted: </td> 
 Added: 12385-Party and Party branch Inactive option requirement
 Added: 12233-Drop reason master issue
 Added: 12531-Leave status report
 Added: 12445-Resource Assigning screen issue
 Added: 12527-Production Module screen issue</td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"></td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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