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Revision 6172 is a pre-publication revision. (Viewing current revision instead.)

Admin Module


New input data field type is added

  • Formula is the new input data field type allowed.
  • With this, you are able to make changes to the input formula dynamically.
  Path to check: Admin > Master > Formula & Charge  
Stores module
New screens are added to Stores transaction
  1. Stock Adjustment Plus
  2. Stock Adjustment Minus
  • Use these screens to make adjustment to the stock directly from the transactions menu.
  Path to check: Stores > Transaction   New filter added to Stores reports
  • Before you were able to filter reports based on stock ledger for Stock position and Stock abstract detail reports.
  • Now an additional filter option is included to let you retrieve values from Costing table.
  Path to check: Stores > Reports > Stock Position  
Bug fixes & Improvements

Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features developed

11766 - Event log report in Admin module showed an error and this is now rectified. 11761 - Parent and child task data in Task Tree view report of CRM module was shown at different areas and this is fixed. 11778 - In Stores module, two fields in Item Master screen had wrong size alignments and this has been corrected. 11751 - Formula report of Admin module kept showing errors while data retrieval and this is fixed.    


Revision Differences

January 27, 2016 @ 12:34:37Current Revision
Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_outer" style="width: 620;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="center" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">Unchanged: <table class="template_inner radius" style="width: 100%; background: #f2f2f2;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" valign="top">
Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">Unchanged: <table class="template_content" style="width: 100%;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">Unchanged: <td style="border: none;" align="left">
Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #d75c28; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">Unchanged: <table class="header" style="background: #d75c28; padding: 6px 44px;" width="100%" cellpadding="10px">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>Unchanged: <td class="ver_align" style="vertical-align: middle; border: none;"><a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4581" style="margin-left: 50px;" title="logo" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/ 2015/06/logo4.png" alt="" width="150" height="69" /></a></td>
Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>Unchanged: <td style="color: #fff; font: bold 18px arial; border: none; margin-top: 15px;">Version</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg5 align" style="background: #764077; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg5 align" style="background: #764077; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Admin Module</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Admin Module</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="single" style="font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none; padding-bottom: 10px;">Unchanged: <td class="single" style="font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none; padding-bottom: 10px;">
Unchanged: <h4><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff;"><strong>New input data field type is addedUnchanged: <h4><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff;"><strong>New input data field type is added
Unchanged: </strong></span></h4>Unchanged: </strong></span></h4>
Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/01/formula.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6169" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ formula.png" alt="formula" width="663" height="277" /></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/01/formula.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6169" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ formula.png" alt="formula" width="663" height="277" /></a>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Formula is the new input data field type allowed.</li>Unchanged: <li>Formula is the new input data field type allowed.</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>With this, you are able to make changes to the input formula dynamically.</li>Unchanged: <li>With this, you are able to make changes to the input formula dynamically.</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: <em>Path to check: Admin &gt; Master &gt; Formula &amp; Charge</em>Unchanged: <em>Path to check: Admin &gt; Master &gt; Formula &amp; Charge</em>
Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #006699; color: #fff;" width="100%">
 Added: <tbody>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Stores module</td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
 Added: <table width="1022">
 Added: <tbody>
 Added: <tr>
 Added: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>New screens are added to Stores transaction</ strong></span>
 Added: <ol>
 Added: <li>Stock Adjustment Plus</li>
 Added: <li>Stock Adjustment Minus</li>
 Added: </ol>
 Added: <a href="http:// help.goodbookserp.com/wp- content/uploads/ 2016/01/stckadj.png"><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6173" src="http://help.goodbookserp.com/ wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ stckadj.png" alt="stckadj" width="817" height="268" /></a>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Use these screens to make adjustment to the stock directly from the transactions menu.</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: &nbsp;
 Added: <em>Path to check: Stores &gt; Transaction</em>
 Added: &nbsp;
 Added: <span style="text-decoration: underline;">New filter added to Stores reports</span>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Before you were able to filter reports based on stock ledger for Stock position and Stock abstract detail reports.</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: <ul>
 Added: <li>Now an additional filter option is included to let you retrieve values from Costing table.</li>
 Added: </ul>
 Added: &nbsp;
 Added: <em>Path to check: Stores </em>&gt; Reports &gt; Stock Position
 Added: &nbsp;</td>
 Added: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"><img src="acc.png" alt="" /></td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: </td>
 Added: </tr>
 Added: </tbody>
 Added: </table>
 Added: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #485969; color: #fff;" width="100%">Unchanged: <table class="bg4 align" style="background: #485969; color: #fff;" width="100%">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug fixes &amp; Improvements</td>Unchanged: <td class="all_topic" style="padding: 10px 0px; border: none; font: bold 15px arial; color: #fff;" align="center">Bug fixes &amp; Improvements</td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <table width="1022">Unchanged: <table width="1022">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">Unchanged: <td style="width: 55%; font: normal 12px arial; color: #fff; padding: 0px 20px; border: none;">
Unchanged: <h4><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff;"><strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features developed</strong> </span></h4>Unchanged: <h4><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #ffffff;"><strong>Multiple bug points have been corrected and new features developed</strong> </span></h4>
Unchanged: 11766 - Event log report in Admin module showed an error and this is now rectified.Unchanged: 11766 - Event log report in Admin module showed an error and this is now rectified.
Unchanged: 11761 - Parent and child task data in Task Tree view report of CRM module was shown atUnchanged: 11761 - Parent and child task data in Task Tree view report of CRM module was shown at
Unchanged: different areas and this is fixed.Unchanged: different areas and this is fixed.
Unchanged: 11778 - In Stores module, two fields in Item Master screen had wrong size alignments and thisUnchanged: 11778 - In Stores module, two fields in Item Master screen had wrong size alignments and this
Unchanged: has been corrected.Unchanged: has been corrected.
Unchanged: 11751 - Formula report of Admin module kept showing errors while data retrieval and this is fixed.Unchanged: 11751 - Formula report of Admin module kept showing errors while data retrieval and this is fixed.
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;
Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>Unchanged: &nbsp;</td>
Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"><img src="acc.png" alt="" /></td>Unchanged: <td style="padding: 0px 20px; border: none;" align="right"><img src="acc.png" alt="" /></td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: </td>Unchanged: </td>
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: <table class="template_bottom raduis_bott_top" style="width: 100%; background-color: #666; padding: 5px;">Unchanged: <table class="template_bottom raduis_bott_top" style="width: 100%; background-color: #666; padding: 5px;">
Unchanged: <tbody>Unchanged: <tbody>
Unchanged: <tr>Unchanged: <tr>
Unchanged: <td style="border: none;"><a class="logo" style="color: #fff; font: normal 10px arial; text-decoration: underline; float: right;" href="http:// www.goodbookserp.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.goodbookserp.com/</a></td>Unchanged: <td style="border: none;"><a class="logo" style="color: #fff; font: normal 10px arial; text-decoration: underline; float: right;" href="http:// www.goodbookserp.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.goodbookserp.com/</a></td>
Deleted: </tr> 
Deleted: </tbody> 
Deleted: </table> 
Deleted: </td> 
Unchanged: </tr>Unchanged: </tr>
Unchanged: </tbody>Unchanged: </tbody>
Unchanged: </table>Unchanged: </table>
Unchanged: &nbsp;Unchanged: &nbsp;

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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